More than one question on a page | Community
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Is it possible to display several questions in one page for the user view?
For example, I wanted to show first name, last name and email in one page

Hi @bella.moore Thanks for stopping by the community! I added your post here where we have the answer to your question. :grin:

In my survey I ask a question about big business challenges and want to create 8 separate 5-point Likert Scales to fall under this.

e.g  I’d like to include a scale for challenges such as: ‘Profitability’, ‘Growth’, ‘Covid’ etc and ask respondents to mark their level of agreement with each challenge.

Currently I am unsure on how to make this all fit onto one page, underneath the same question. My Typeform seems to only let me have these under separate questions which makes the survey too long and confusing for respondents because the actual question is numerous pages behind.

Also, how do I fit several dropdown questions on one page to save space, meaning that respondents don’t have to keep flicking the page for every single question?

If anyone could help I’d greatly appreciate it?

@bella.moore - interesting dilemmas on question types. 

while the multiple likert on one page won’t be possible, you could do this with a matrix question: 8 challenges down the left side with the columns being your ‘ratings’ 

only thing with the matrix question type is that you cannot @recall the answers into any other part of the typeform. 


just my tuppence from the igloo


Thanks so much for your help!

I was also wondering if it would be possible to have an open field at the bottom of the matrix for respondents to type their own answer (i.e. a challenge they feel affected by which was not listed)? 


@bella.moore - unfortunately you can’t get that text field there.. BUT given that you have now been able to combine the list of items into a matrix, you could use a long text question to follow up and present the list of categories in the description, and say something like “on the previous question you gave us ratings for the items below. Is there anything that is missing from this list in your opinion? Please use the space below to let us know what that would be and why you it is important to you”


not perfect but i have used it myself


I would really like this feature too. I want to be able to ask about projected revenue and profit in 3 years and 5 years. It makes so much more sense to be able to group questions rather than having 4 pages. people completing the answers would find it easier to see their responses together rather than clicking around.

Hopefully this comes soon?

Sorry, but this “higher engagement” excuse is inexcusable. 

I need my respondents to rate one asset across 3 criteria, and the context of the criteria are critical for a reliable and efficient response. This is super common with UX & CX feedback, and a best practice for research. Because of this major gap in your functionality, my company can’t work with your product. So sad. Even survey primate offers this. 

Hi I have exactly the same questions and reasons expressed. I use these forms for registration, intake and feedback related to a customer experience masterclass of which user experience is a part. And many participants complain about how annoying it is to have each question on multiple page and requiring so many clicks. Is there any update on this considering this thread is 6+ months old and a new design just went live?

The only reason I didn’t switch to Google form yet is because of the effort of recreating all the forms I have made in 5+ years of using Typefom but this is start bugging me as it is the fact that on the report page (sharable with clients) you need to click to read each and every comment entry rather than just listing them all on the same page. I tried adding this also in the wish list but is not immediately visible how to vote up this requirement if already raised by other people. 


Hi @Rosaria Cirillo Thanks for stopping by. I’m afraid this isn’t something that’s currently in our road map since Typeform is designed specifically to show one question at a time as it leads to better engagement on a form. Though, if you have any other questions or suggestions, please let us know. 

Hey! To echo this question, being able to have more than one question on a page would be extremely helpful- even if it was limited to two or three. I agree that the question-by-question layout is generally more engaging, but we collect address data through one form, and not being able to ask for address/city/state/unit number separately leads to a lot of data cleanup on the other side of the form. People tend to write everything out in one line. Even if the functionality was limited, it would help us a lot!

I want more than one question per page as well. I’m trying to use the new Calendly integration and it’s very awkward having Calendly’s questions be all together and then Typeform’s being forced to be one question per page.

I’m trying to adapt my current process to use Typeform and then Calendly, because I want to collect  documents prior to the Calendly booking.

I wanted to jump in on this thread as it answered the exact question I wanted to ask - and unfortunately it was not the answer I sought!  (That being no, you can’t have multiple questions on a single page).  There are some functions of the form/survey process that I think do produce better results if you have multiple questions on a single page.  For example, multiple choice questions with checkboxes/radio buttons can be clicked on very quickly if they are presented on the same page.  Listing them on separate pages causes the user to click many more times; that quickly gets old in a world where people get “click fatigue” very quickly.  I would love to have the option to display multiple questions on a single page; right now I use a competitor’s product for some of my applications simply because they offer that option.  I would use Typeform exclusively if it had this feature.  

absolutely, want to bump this. have groups of related questions that would be filled out a lot quicker on one page than separately. especially because filling them out individually can gcreate the cognitive bias of “i can’t see the end and don’t know how much is left in this, i’ll abandon now”, whereas presented on one page the end user can gauge the scope of the survey.

I totally understand why you guys opt for one question / page. however having the option for multiple fields per page is important for some use cases. For example we have a third party reception service that takes calls from clients to enter them in a form for lead gen. In this case all fields on single form is superior. Unfortunately since this is not possible with typeform, I have to cancel my premium account.



Hi @Rosaria Cirillo Thanks for stopping by. I’m afraid this isn’t something that’s currently in our road map since Typeform is designed specifically to show one question at a time as it leads to better engagement on a form. Though, if you have any other questions or suggestions, please let us know. 

I think people have been requesting this simple feature long enough to know that you guys aren’t listening to customer needs. I’m cancelling my account to go and find another solution.

Hi @djc4200 While we understand this is a requested feature, we find better response rates when showing one question per page. Of course, we also understand if this means you need to find another product that can better suit what you’re looking for in a form. 

We are currently forced to use other form builders for Lead Generation forms because of this limitation. We love Typeforms integration capabilities and would prefer to use Typeform for all our form needs but cannot justify hurting the UX by forcing prospects to scroll through questions rather than showing them related questions in carefully collated/designed pages or as one single page form.


We understand that engagement may be higher on a multi-page form rather than a single page form but we would prefer to have control over that and be able to AB Test for ourselves based on the business use case.


The ability to add multiple questions per ‘page’ would be the most optimal solution for us. Rather than adding a toggle for Single vs Multi page forms

Hi @TRPGuser Thanks for sending this over! Definitely makes sense why you would need to have multiple questions per page. While this isn’t a feature change currently on our roadmap, know that we’ll post any updates or changes to that in the post here. 

Hi @TRPGuser Thanks for sending this over! Definitely makes sense why you would need to have multiple questions per page. While this isn’t a feature change currently on our roadmap, know that we’ll post any updates or changes to that in the post here. 

Hi Liz, Many thanks for curating the answers and making it clear that you will now allow a one page batch of questions as an option. Do you know if a competitor Form Builder (like JotForm) who allows multiple questions per page?


I also would like to be able to group a few questions together. As a user I have completed many Typeforms before and this is one feature that I am really missing nd actually find sometimes annoying as a user. I understand your argument about engagement, but I also feel that having only one question looses engagement as it does with me when I am completing Typeforms. Is this a functulality that you you are developing? 

Hi @Jeff C I’m afraid I don’t know which other companies have this feature, but if you have any other questions, please let us know. 

@Birgit This isn’t a feature we’re developing, but if anything changes, we’ll update you in this thread. 

We need to have support multiple question on same page, can we do that using typeform?

Hey @Akansha! Welcome to the Typeform Community!

I've moved your question to this topic where you'll be able to find some answers. I hope it brings more clarity to you. In the meantime, let me know if you still have any doubt!

Wishing you a great day and a wonderful holiday season! :blue_heart:

Could not agree more about click fatigue from having to click next after every question especially on quick radio dot style questions. Bummer that we do not have the option I was really hoping to use Typeform but that is honestly a dealbreaker. 

How to place 3 questions on the same page?

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Hi @DenisBur I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. Let us know if you think of any other questions. :grinning:
