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At the behest of @Liz here – and to give an outlet to those of us who can’t resist the need to have fun with puns, I hereby declare the Dad joke smackdown open...


Why did the can-crusher quit his job? Because it was soda-pressing


Come on Typeform community, do your worst…



@James - just leaving this one here for you.. happy weekend



HAHAH. I’ll have to remember that one @john.desborough :P


@James - i don’t want to raise a stink about it.. but something smells fishy.. 


This joke is a fragrant abuse of the Community jokes policy @john.desborough 🙉

@James @Grace @Liz 

for the bakers in the house… ​@Grace … 

i think this is brill..!!


hahaha genius ​@john.desborough😆

haha. this really takes the biscuit ​@john.desborough 

haha. this really takes the biscuit ​@john.desborough 



​Oh crumbs, trust ​@James to rise to the occasion with the terrible biscuit puns! I donut know how you do it 😝

@Grace - i guess that’s the way the cookie crumbles for ​@James 

(batter luck next time)


science or deep fake?? 




hahaha. definitely fake I reckon ​@john.desborough but still brilliant!


👏👏 You’ve really reached the final frontier of punning ​@john.desborough 


Does that make any falcon born before 2000 an ex-winged fighter? ​@john.desborough 

if yer gonna go Star Wars on me ​@James ...

Funny you are ​@john.desborough 😂
