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We are integrated with Salesforce, and our Typeform questionnaire ends on either a “Qualified” or “Disqualified” screen. Is there a way to keep Typeform from creating a record in Salesforce if it reaches the “Disqualifed” end screen? Or only create records if “Qualified”.

Hi ​@PersephoneSupport 
If you are okay with loosing out on responses which are marked as "Disqualified", you could  use logic jumps within Typeform based on the user's responses. If they end up "Disqualified", just don't let their response get submitted ( and as such not trigger any actions with Salesforce)


If they end up "Disqualified", just don't let their response get submitted ( and as such not trigger any actions with Salesforce)


@Harsh This is the part I’m trying to figure out: *how* do I set this up in Typeform? Currently, the logic flow ends with the user being directed to either a "Qualified" or "Disqualified" screen. Where in the settings do I configure it so that "Qualified" results trigger data import to Salesforce, while "Disqualified" results do not?
