
VideoAsk - Prepopulating fields

  • 20 July 2023
  • 2 replies

I am looking to embed VideoAsk into our website. We have a user’s name and email after they login, and I want to make sure that their video ask is prepopulated with those details. I am using an Iframe to load VideoAsk into my website. What’s the best way to set those fields? 


Another follow up question would be to how to populate a database with the VideoAsk of the user automatically after they have completed their interview. Thanks!


Best answer by Grace.H 20 July 2023, 10:17

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2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Hey @EHP 🙂 Thanks for your question! Loving the sound of this workflow/journey.

Have you seen this help center article? It explains how you can add variables to your videoask URL to pre-fill contact details for your respondents. Once you’ve added the contact variables in your videoask share settings, you'll see the share URL update to include those variables. You'll need to copy the iframe embed code and then replace the standard share URL within that code with the updated share URL. You’ll then need to dynamically replace the ‘xxxx’ placeholder values in that URL with the actual contact details of your logged-in user.

If you have a developer that you can ask, hopefully they should be able to help with figuring out how you’d actually insert the real name/email address that you’re storing for your user into the videoask URL automatically.

In terms of then passing that response data to your database, we’d typically recommend using webhooks for automating this. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hey @EHP how’s it going? Did you check out using variables for your workflow? Let us know if you still need help with anything 😊
