
Time limit

How can I monitor response time in a section with four or five questions?


Best answer by Harsh 11 June 2023, 20:35

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11 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @peterqed Happy Tuesday! I hope you’re having a great week so far. 😀

I’m afraid we don’t have this feature, but I’m happy to share the feedback with the product team. 

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@Liz @peterqed -  you could proxy this by breaking your typeform into a series of smaller forms and having all of them connected to the same google sheet (easier than sending to multiple sheets). 

once you have all the forms submitting data to that one sheet, you can create a ‘reporting tab’ in the sheet where you pull the submission timestamps for each form into columns. you can then ‘proxy’ the time in section by taking the submit timestamp from one section and subtracting the time stamp  of the submission for the previous section to give you the interval.. ie

  • section 2 submit = 11:01.32 am
  • section 3 submit = 11.03.45 a,
  • time in section 3 = 2 min 13 secs

that is not perfectly accurate perhaps but it is the best proxy i could come up with for several clients. 



Hi @Liz@john.desborough thank you for your responses.I am hoping at product development this is achievable in the short term.

@John believe the work around can be helpful but for my purposes I am hoping to have the plug in at form level to avoid lapses between submissions not being accounted for. But yes thank you for that.

So@Liz Dreaded question! how likely and how long?...

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Hi @peterqed This isn’t currently in our roadmap, but if this changes, we’ll post so here. 😀


Userlevel 5
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Hi Peter,


If you are a developer and familiar with the “Typeform Embed SDK”  you could embed the Typeform onto your own site via the “Typeform Embed SDK”


There is a specific event  called “onQuestionChanged” which you could then programmatically  listen to.


Basically whenever the user changes the question your callback function would be called.


In your callback function you could have a hashmap (key would be the question and value would be the last time the question was accessed) 


Once the user presses the submit button the “onSubmit” event would be fired.


Have another callback function listen to the “onSubmit” event then.

In the callback function for the “onSubmit” event parse out the above created hashmap by comparing the difference between each successive question

i.e difference in time between question 1 and question 2 would give you the time spent on question 1


Once you have successfully computed the times you could post the results to your site’s backend (via Ajax) where you could easily access it.


I hope this all makes sense and you are able to get this working!

Hi @Harsh will look into the option.Thank you.

We want to have a ‘quick fire’ quiz within our typeform where the user gets 5 seconds to answer each yes/no question before the next question appears. Is this possible? 

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Hi @Kazkazkaz I added your post here where we have an existing conversation about this. 😀

Are there any updates on this?


Userlevel 7
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Hi @ldica Happy Tuesday! This isn’t currently on our roadmap, but if that changes, we’ll post an update about it here. 😀
