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Hi everyone! :wave:

I’m Grace and I have just joined the community team as we prepare to invite VideoAsk creators to the family!


I know that VideoAsk creators are going to love it in the community, having the opportunity to chat to like-minded individuals and take their workflows to the next level :rocket:


I am very excited to be part of such a fabulous team and I thought I would kick things off with a quick “Get to know me” videoask! Looking forward to chatting with you all soon! 




Welcome to the team @Grace We’re thrilled to have you! 



Love the quiz by the way :D 


Thanks @Gabriel ! Thank you for letting me loose in the community! :smile:

Don’t giveaway any of the answers… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Aaaah I'm so happy you're here!! I'm sure you'll do amazing things in our Community! :blue_heart: By the way, I got all of the answers right! :sunglasses:

@Mark.T @belinda_long From now on, if you have any questions about VideoAsk, Grace will be the person to go to! I'm sure she'll be able to help you to bring your videoask game to the next level! :wink:

@Grace - welcome and fabulous to have you here.. Glad that Videoask will be represented here in a much more robust fashion!

(btw, Dorset apples make great cider! … says the Canadian who lived in London for 2 years .. lol) 


:raised_hands: Yes @Gabi Amaral !! Do I need to make the questions harder?! :laughing:

Very happy to be here and excited for the new adventure! :dizzy:

@john.desborough yes to Dorset cider! (sorry @James :sweat_smile:

Looking forward to getting stuck in and getting VideoAsk in the mix!

Welcome to the team @Grace - can’t wait for you to school us all in how to make videoasks as cool and fun as yours. If we didn’t already know how dedicated you were to the cause, the fact that you counted all those jelly beans shows the community the kind of commitment they are going to get. 


@john.desborough I always respect your tastes but everybody knows that Somerset cider is the best in the world!

Welcome to the team @Grace - can’t wait for you to school us all in how to make videoasks as cool and fun as yours. If we didn’t already know how dedicated you were to the cause, the fact that you counted all those jelly beans shows the community the kind of commitment they are going to get. 


@john.desborough I always respect your tastes but everybody knows that Somerset cider is the best in the world!

@James -we will have to have a taste test and include some of that Irish cider as well.. lol.. we make a few good ones over here but.. 



@James I’m just grateful I didn’t have a bigger jar - not sure how often I can get away with counting jelly beans during working hours :sweat_smile: 

I have to say I am no cider aficionado, but I would gladly join in a tasting to better my knowledge! @john.desborough what’s the Canada cider market looking like? We’ll have to arrange an international cider tasting at some point :apple:

@James I’m just grateful I didn’t have a bigger jar - not sure how often I can get away with counting jelly beans during working hours :sweat_smile: 

I have to say I am no cider aficionado, but I would gladly join in a tasting to better my knowledge! @john.desborough what’s the Canada cider market looking like? We’ll have to arrange an international cider tasting at some point :apple:

@john.desborough @Grace Am definitely up for a cider taste test – although I refuse to put ice in mine like the Irish do. Maybe we can stash some flagons of different brews aboard the tour bus (we’ll tell you about the tour once you’ve completed your onboarding, Grace. You’ll be glad you joined.)

@James I’m just grateful I didn’t have a bigger jar - not sure how often I can get away with counting jelly beans during working hours :sweat_smile: 

I have to say I am no cider aficionado, but I would gladly join in a tasting to better my knowledge! @john.desborough what’s the Canada cider market looking like? We’ll have to arrange an international cider tasting at some point :apple:

@john.desborough @Grace Am definitely up for a cider taste test – although I refuse to put ice in mine like the Irish do. Maybe we can stash some flagons of different brews aboard the tour bus (we’ll tell you about the tour once you’ve completed your onboarding, Grace. You’ll be glad you joined.)

@James there’s a tour bus?!?! I’m ready to be schooled on cider - I’ll quickly finish onboarding so we can get going...

You should also meet @Paulo, Grace! He has been a very important person in our Community! Like me, he's Brazilian but lives in Japan for most of his life! 

Paulo, I'm sure you'll love Grace's videoask! When you have some time, come over to check it out and say "Hi"! :wink:

Hi @Paulo :blush: nice to meet you! Whereabouts in Japan do you live? I’ve never been but would love to go, mainly for the food! 

Thanks for the fun VideoAsk, @Grace ! The community is lucky to have you!  

I’m an avid baker, as well. Do you have a favorite Dorset Apple Cake recipe to share? :smile:

Is Wilma your cat’s name @Grace ? She’s seems very laid back :D 

@Grace This Videoask was so fun!! I want to build something like this now haha! It was fun learning a bit about you. So glad you’re part of the team!

Hello @Grace! Loved your VideoAsk, even if I got most of the questions wrong!:joy:

I live in Nagoya, middle area of Japan. Looking forward to learn more about VideoAsk!

Thanks for the fun VideoAsk, @Grace ! The community is lucky to have you!  

I’m an avid baker, as well. Do you have a favorite Dorset Apple Cake recipe to share? :smile:

Thanks @Crystal ! I’ve played a bit with recipes, and quite often make stuff up (there are so many variations online!) This is a pretty good one, sometimes I put a bit of lemon zest in as well :blush:

Is Wilma your cat’s name @Grace ? She’s seems very laid back :D 

Yep, she’s called Wilma, after Wilma from the Flintstones! She’s most happy watching TV on the sofa :joy: but pretty loud when she wants some attention/food!


Hello @Grace! Loved your VideoAsk, even if I got most of the questions wrong!:joy:

I live in Nagoya, middle area of Japan. Looking forward to learn more about VideoAsk!

Haha! It was a game of chance really, could have gone either way!

Welcome @Grace :)

I have survived the pandemic watching the great British Bake Off, but I don’t think they made any Dorset cake :(
Shame on them!

Shame on them indeed @picsoung actually can’t believe they’ve never made it, probably not complicated enough to make :smile:
