
Calendly Hiccup

Having 2 issues when testing my Typeform. One, when selecting a date and time, it immediately progresses to the next slide without pausing so I can review that the date/time are correct. I’m not able to click the “Okay” button that’s there. It just jumps ahead.

The other issue is more of a question. What if my calendar is full? Or there is no available date/time that will work for the respondent. There’s no way to capture that information as the real reason no date/time have been selected by the respondent. Testing my typeform right now and I’m just stuck wondering what the respondent would do when the encounter non-availability. I don’t want the respondent to pick a random date or time just to move forward.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @mrscarterIV Do you mind sharing the URL of the form so we can test what the Calendly looks like on the form?

If there are no open dates/times, I’m afraid there isn’t a way to capture their information unless they click the submit button. My best suggestion would be to ensure that the calendar shown always has some sort of availability. 

Userlevel 7
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Hey @mrscarterIV how’s it going? Did you manage to resolve your hiccup? If you still need some help don’t forget to share your form here for Liz to check 😊
