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Correct and incorrect answers.


Please advise if I can create a multiple choice questionnaire / test and check wrong and correct answers of users?

Hi @AlexPol ,

Welcome to the community from a fellow community member! 

Yes, you can do this by clicking the Preview option which is the “eye” icon next to the Publish button. 

I hope that helps! 😊

What we want to create is a game. Can we configure the log to receive data on how many questions (total amount) the user answered correctly?



What we want to create is a game questionnaireform. Can we configure the log to receive data on how many questions (total amount) the user answered correctly?

@AlexPol - this comes from another user here in the community


check out this simple quiz - i set it up to track the number of correct and incorrect answers in this example and these variables are submitted as part of the data into the results of the survey. this way you would have the number of correct/incorrect answers per quiz response. at least in this example lol. 

I used the @recall function on the last statement page to present the correct/incorrect variable counts that i created. a screen shot of the simplistic logic is below



hope this helps





Done as per instruction, but calculation is wrong. 



The second screen


@AlexPol - can you show the rest of the logic rule/calculation screens please so that we can check out?



Thanks for stepping in and helping, @john.desborough !! I really appreciate it - and you answered it much better than I could have :) 

@AlexPol - des is one of the greats on here 😊


Here is the new result and screens as requested. 


@AlexPol - hmmm… first, i would also suggest that you add a logic rule for each question that deals with the incorrect answer ie add 1 to incorrect if the answer is not the correct choice.. if you have multiple possible incorrect choices you can use the add condition button to set up the OR logic. 

just a silly question - did you publish the quiz after you made the logic changes so that they are in effect.?? sometimes that is the culprit .. i have done it many times. 

would be willing to share the link to the survey as it sits so that I/we can try it out just to see??






would be willing to share the link to the survey as it sits so that I/we can try it out just to see?? 



just a silly question - did you publish the quiz after you made the logic changes so that they are in effect.?? sometimes that is the culprit .. i have done it many times.   

Yes, published, but still the same…

Could you please check where is the mistake - following the logic - the settings are correct…?

Test profile data:


@AlexPol - please check your form.. also .. please remove the bit about accessing your account from the previous post so that no one else will log into your account lol


i made two small changes to your logic 

  • in the first question, you had two choices adding 1 to the correct variable - i changed that 
  • in the 3r question you did not have anything for the 3rd mc option, i added that - you can see how. 

it should work properly now




Just tested again, still receiving wrong results. There are three questions in the form, but 2 correct and 2 incorrect responses in the results…


Any solution, please?

@AlexPol - can you please show screenshots of the entire logic screen set please. just to be sure

also, on another note, if you go through the test and before you submit go backwards and change the answer(s) that will alter the values. just in case. 




@AlexPol - everything looks fine from here. that should calculate properly once published and you walk all the way through the quiz. … if you go part way through and then go backwards it will add more to the variables. suggest trying to clear cache and start from the beginning


make sure you walk all the way through the logic and press submit.. from what i can see it looks just fine. 

@john.desborough ohn.desborough

New clean browser, correct logic but still the same wrong result. Isn't it a bug?


@AlexPol - at this point, I would suggest raising a help ticket with the Support team to have them go inside your form and check on the pieces. click the link above. 

sorry i can’t get you to the finish line at this point



ok, thank you


Issue was resolved by correcting Variable (Logic/Advanced/Data/Variable)


Thanks for the update, @AlexPol ! Glad you were able to get it working and thanks for sharing here. :grinning: Let us know if we can help answer anything else!
