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Happy Monday, all!

Ages ago when we could work in the office, we used to hang around the Barception - Typeform’s take on a reception with exactly what it sounds like - a bar!

We’re bringing the Barception to all of you, and you can virtually visit it below: 



Think of this as your virtual meeting space where you can say hello in the morning and goodbye in the evening, talk about what you’ve got planned this weekend or what your favorite beverage of choice is, morning or night!


I’m currently drinking iced coffee today - what about you all?

@Grace Just returning from hanging with this little bundle of joy over the weekend! 


Awww look at her! 😍

How does she feel about fireworks @Liz?

My cat isn’t really bothered by them which is surprising really!

@Liz - the wee beast looks might comfy at the cottage @Liz … 


hope you had a good holiday



Yeah same, @Grace ! I guess city life in Chicago doesn’t make her too scared of loud noises. 😅

Don’t forget, pics of the cat!!

@john.desborough she had a lovely time roaming in nature! 


@Liz here’s Princess Wilma sunning herself on her throne 😆

@Grace Oh what a cutie! She is basking in that sun!

Yeh although now it’s too hot for sunbathing, she’s been retreating to the shade! 


A day late, but wanted to stop by here to wish our very own @Liz a happy happy birthday!! 🎉🎉

Do you have anything fun planned to celebrate Liz? And did Bella get you something nice?! 🐶



let there be cake.. @Grace  - isn’t that your specialty?? 


happy day @Liz 

Oh thank you guys! And nah, I just had a regular old Tuesday. However, my sister got me this as a gift, and I’m pretty sure it’s really a gift for her so she can give my dogs treats when she’s not visiting me. 😂

And yeah! Where’s my cake, @Grace ???

Oh that’s so cool @Liz

Sorry I didn’t make you a cake, it’s too hot for baking in Barcelona right now 😆

@Grace - i thought you could just mix the batter and put it outside on the patio table and ‘solar bake’ it lol.. 

we’re in for a whole week of over 35C here in Ottawa… i love summer.. but i think we should all get donuts and have a zoom call to celebrate @Liz … just sayin’

Omg we need to find a lazy river that we can chill on for the summer! 

Hello folks, how’s the summer been?? 🌞


I had a great catch up with @Darnell last week, we chatted about a bunch of different things, including his plans for a new community onboarding form using video for Forge which I’m excited to see once it’s ready 👀


📸 taken by Darnell 


Anyone else got any “back to school” plans? @john.desborough @Liz @James @Ash.NZ @Gabolino 

@Grace @Darnell  - very cool. 


I recently had the joy and pleasure of chatting with @James about a few bits and bobs Typeform… 

Plans?? always plans … just need the little one back in school and the missus back in the office to have some quiet time at the home office to finish some ‘For Growth’ samples and some videos of such.. 


...that and converting 20 cases of tomatoes into sauce next weekend.. 


@Grace that was a super-sized, epic convo, right!? Ha! And yes, my latest typeform with video is in the works based on our onboarding experience for Forge; it will be version 3.0 of it.

Also looking forward to the data I’ll gather from it from our current members and then we reopen the gates to the public next year.

Summer overall has been speedy, but there’s been lots of good food and pool time. Here I am with wife and friends from a Tacos ‘N’ Taps event here in the city last weekend. I ADORE tacos.

What’s up, @john.desborough!? What kind of tomato sauce will you make? Spicy? Garlicky? Etc.

I’ve been jarring pickled jalapeños lately, lol.


Loving this photo @Darnell Tacos ‘n’ Taps sounds fun! I’m going for fish tacos tonight actually! 🌮 Trying a place that’s been recommended to me a few times so hoping for some good ones!

@john.desborough I heard you had a stellar convo with @James sounds like you’ve got a lot on as always, when do kiddies go back to school in Canada? And like Darnell I want to know more about the tomato sauce! 

Fish & shrimp tacos are my fav, @Grace! You should take photos or else it didn’t happen as @Liz says, ha! Hope the new place serves you well, literally and figuratively.

lol very true @Darnell I am terrible at remembering to take photos! I will try and remember…

I wonder if @Liz has any good taco pics for us… 

Yeah @Grace , send us some photos!

I, also, don’t have any good photos right now haha. I’m in Mexico eating from street vendors so I barely have a steady hand to eat with standing!

@john.desborough Send some sauce my way!

Ok so it all rests on me remembering to take a pic tonight haha! 

I bet there’s nothing better than eating in actual Mexico though @Liz

Yup! Photos or it never happened, @Grace, ha!

@Darnell @Grace @Liz - this is what the process starts like.. now this is from 2 years ago, just for context… 120 pounds of tomatoes

then there is the blanching and peeling step .. and my lovely wee beastie helping out.. 

from there it goes through a ‘passatutto’ to separate out the pulp and seeds and finally into the pots for simmering 



and simmered down to this after about 8-12 hours.. 

last year i did 160 pounds and this year it will be 200 pounds (confirmed with the organic farm) 


last year’s 160 pounds turned out 40 litres of sauce… gave a bunch to friends and froze most of it.. 


nothing by tomatoes.. if you wanna add stuff to it, fill your boots based on your recipe… 


@Liz you want it, meet up in Toronto lol.. i’ll bring some in a cooler .. or Port Huron, half way point lol


@Darnell - i used some to make a veggie vindaloo that would singe the fringe… 


@Grace my sous chef starts school Tues.. thankfully.. lol.. 


cheers y’all

Holy guacamole @john.desborough this is quite the production line 🍅🍅🍅 Make sure you freeze some and bring it over on your Iberian voyage. I know a place that sells the greateset prosciutto – we can make the dream pizza!

Wowsers @john.desborough that is an epic haul of tomatoes! Maybe @suzieq can bring some back for us when she’s in Canada 😉




As promised @Darnell @Liz taco pic from last night! This was the best one IMO 
