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I have 3 landing pages with hubspot forms.
One for Google Ads, one for FB Ads and one for the web.
In each hubspot form, I have a field called “lead supplier”. This field is hidden and has a fixed value for each landing. In the landing for Facebook Ads, that field has the value Facebook, in the landing for Google Ads, that field has the value Google.
That way, every time a contact is registered, the lead supplier field is filled out in Hubspot and thus I have them identified.

My question is if I can do something similar with Typeform, assigning a fixed value to a specific field and hide it or do I have to forcefully use the function it has with hidden fields and UTMs, which no longer works very well for me even in hubspot itself

Hey @Ecualitasglobal welcome to the community 😊

You could definitely swap out the HubSpot form for a typeform and still send leads to HubSpot and we would normally suggest using hidden fields with a typeform embed, we have this Help Center article for setup (just in case you haven’t already seen it) Is there any particular reason you were trying to avoid hidden fields and UTMs? 

Thank you for your response Grace.
I have read the page you indicated and I think the only thing I am missing is knowing what I should call the hidden field.

My field in hubspot is called proveedor_lead and I want the value to be Typeform.

How do I call the variable so that it searches for the field in Hubspot and always gives it the fixed Typeform value?


The reason for trying to use UTM is that I am completely new with limited knowledge and I was simply trying things to see if I would get the desired result.



Ah gotcha @Ecualitasglobal I understand that feeling! 

I’m going to tag @Liz in here as I think she might be able to help with this 😊

Hi @Ecualitasglobal I think you can call the variable whatever you would like in Typeform. In my opinion, I would call it the same thing as you have it in Hubspot so it’s a little less confusing!
