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Community Plans November to January > Public Launch 🚀

  • 24 November 2020
  • 21 replies
Community Plans November to January > Public Launch  🚀

How is everyone doing?

I wanted to create a post to share with you our plans for the Typeform community within the next couple of months. 


Status icons

:white_check_mark:  Done and dusted. 

:pencil2: In progress. 

:fireworks: Milestone.



  • Community MVP ready. :white_check_mark:

  • Invite Typeform staff to the community to test the sign up process and other basic functionality.  :white_check_mark:  

  • Invite the first “real” 100 Typeform users (I can confirm 42 out ot 85 people registered so far).  :white_check_mark:  

  • Keep asking and answering questions about the platform and how to use it.  :white_check_mark:  

  • Share community plans.  :white_check_mark:  

  • Tweak structure, notifications and phrases based on feedback.  :white_check_mark:  



  • Enable SSO - users to be able to link their typeform accounts to the community :white_check_mark: 

  • December the 3rd: invite circa 2,350 fresh typeform users  :white_check_mark:  

  • December the 10th: invite a new group of circa  2,350 users.  :white_check_mark:  

  • Consolidate public launch structure.  :white_check_mark:  

  • Consolidate design (logo, header, fonts, etc).:white_check_mark:

  • Grow community team and bring at least one community advocate to the mix  :white_check_mark: .

  • Eat lots of turron (typical Christmas nougat confection in Spain).  :white_check_mark:  



  • Return to work and test the new community design   :white_check_mark: .

  • Get ready for public launch (launch campaign, help and support processes ready, robust community content calendar in place, etc).  :white_check_mark: .

  • Community badges and ranks finalised.  :white_check_mark: .

  • Community structure and sections finalised (such as help, inspiration, product updates, etc).  :white_check_mark: .

  • Open the community to ALL - some time in the second half of January. :fireworks:

  • Take engagement one level up with awesome inspiration content, product news and help type of conversations.   :white_check_mark: .

Important note: this is a rough plan and dates/initiatives make change. I’ll update this thread if there are any major changes. 

ambitious but reasonable .. and looks great! looking forward to being part of this.. 



Thanks for the encouraging words @john.desborough. Not everything will be perfect when we launch to all, but Rome wasn’t built in a day! 

Really looking forward to this!

Really looking forward to this!


Me too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That’s a lot of work there. I know my new branding projects for my 2 new companies is 3 weeks in and we just finished our workshop for design process, which will be another 4 weeks till presentation, and from there-depending how god the designs are-will be further amendments. 
Marketing strategy? You’re adding another huge project, but your time frames are doable. 

Lots of turron will keep you awake longer, can do more work, hehe.

This looks good and very clear. :ok_hand:
Is the idea behind this community that it would be a platform to facilitate engagement mainly between other members through forums? I see that you want to launch this to ALL members in January so was wondering if you imagine the topics growing organically or if you would also be using this platform to showcase and develop new features with community members :) 

@TFJunkie it's a lot of work indeed, but hopefully the team will grow within the next couple of months. I'm working on the  marketing strategy v1, still lots to do in this regard and I'm assuming It'll be ongoing throughout 2021 - I'll share what I can here. Even after launch the community will need time to integrate so I'll have to be a bit patient 😅

@Karospace the plan is to develop one area for questions about creating typeforms, one for inspiration with guides and useful content and another one for product related conversations (testing, feedback, Q&As etc). Difficult to get everything right and ready at once but we'll get there step by step. 

I'll keep sharing more in the coming weeks - working on the roadmap for Q1 2021 as we speak!

Glad to be here. Looking forward to it

Looking forward to it! Good luck!

Glad to be here. Looking forward to it

Looking forward to it! Good luck!


Thanks for the encouraging messages, folks. Help us keep focused and motivated  :muscle_tone3:

This looks really good! I’m glad to be part of it from the beginning and see how it evolves. I hope you can update us in the following weeks. 

Best of luck with this huge project! 

This sounds very exciting! Looking forward to it too! :sunglasses:

COngrats !

COngrats !

Thanks @iamfabrice and welcome!

 @Gabriel just to clarify is this a community for Typeform users and all things Typeform, or is this a new community product that I will be able to use to build and facilitate communities elsewhere?

 @Gabriel just to clarify is this a community for Typeform users and all things Typeform, or is this a new community product that I will be able to use to build and facilitate communities elsewhere?


Hi @CraigD ! Good question. This will be a community for Typeform users and all things Typeform, that's a great way to summarise the purpose of this site. 

Hi all, just writing to let you know that I have updated the community structure/categories. Click on categories if you want to see the current structure.

This should be quite close to what we’ll have when we launch to all in a few weeks. It’s also in line with the feedback gathered here in the community.:muscle_tone3:



It looks awesome!  :clap_tone2::clap_tone2::clap_tone2:

@john.desborough @mrbretticus  and @Valentin from Pinten , feel free to ask as many questions as you like within the next few weeks. It would be good to start populating those categories in ‘Ask the Community’ with fresh questions and I’ll make sure someone from the team has a look at them. 

@john.desborough @mrbretticus  and @Valentin from Pinten , feel free to ask as many questions as you like within the next few weeks. It would be good to start populating those categories in ‘Ask the Community’ with fresh questions and I’ll make sure someone from the team has a look at them. 

Sounds like a great plan, @Gabriel
Happy New Year to everyone!

Hello everyone. Just writing to confirm that we are good to go, tomorrow we start the roll out of the community! 

