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I've talked a lot over the last five weeks (has it really been that long?!) about what it means to be meaningful and how we're thinking about it here at Typeform.


So... what about you? How does that look for you? Some of you already shared some things you could do, but always curious to hear more.



In the end, we should all strive to become meaningful to our customers, employees, partners, etc. The highest aspiration of a business (from a freelancer to a 5 person startup to 300 strong) is to become a brand that matters to its community. You don't have to change the whole world -- just your corner of it.



@paul - an interesting “challenge” to start the week!  targeting one additional meaningful conversation per day with a potential client 

thank you for this 


Thought provoking, @paul ! 

I’m collaborating with a business storyteller to integrate our skills to extend the value of what we create and do. The goal is to reach more people and help them grow their business by using storytelling in marketing. 

Storytelling is such a powerful tool, @vickioneill, though few do it successfully!

Similar to @john.desborough , I’m also doing the same with my side-gig! I’ve been working on stepping outside of my usual comfort zone and reaching out to other vendors in my area to get to know them better all year round and not just during the downtime! 
