We’re celebrating one year of VideoAsk in the Community! 

In some ways, I feel like we’ve been here forever, but actually, today marks one year of VideoAsk officially being part of the Typeform Community 😁
It’s been a busy year, and it’s been fantastic to see so many wonderful videoask creators flocking to the Community to ask questions, and to have the privilege of sharing some inspiring stories via our videoask of the month posts and of course VideoAsk Voyagers 🛸
I’ve got to say a big thank you to
And to some of our most active VideoAsk members:
Traditionally, one year anniversaries are often marked with a gift made of paper - which is a bit tricky to navigate when you’re an online community so I thought I would make a paper hat in celebration and encourage you all to do the same and post a pic of it in the comments below!

Thanks for joining us on the ride, looking forward to seeing what 2023 brings!