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I’m so thrilled to welcome you to the Typeform community ‘beta group’. This is the beginning of an exciting adventure for all of us who care about Typeform.

We may be just a few members at the start of this journey, but every small interaction will make a big difference at this stage. We want to make this community an invaluable asset for anyone using Typeform, but we can’t do that alone - your contribution is key. 

Beta is all about getting a feel of the community platform, sharing with you our thinking behind this project, listening to your feedback and ultimately getting this rocket ready for launch.

We have really ambitious plans for this space, so keep an eye on the news on this section - you can do so by clicking subscribe on the category updates. Go to Updates and click on Subscribe on the bottom left.

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So, without further ado, I encourage you to share your views and get involved. Check out this article to understand a few simple ways you can make a difference and help us get this community off the ground.

 Just reply to this post if you have any further questions about the beta phase

Good vibes on the horizon!

Great job @GabrieL:tada:

Good vibes on the horizon!


Thanks, mate. It’s the start of the beginning, or the beginning of the start. But we’ll go far nonetheless.

Cool, cool, cool!

Soooo cool. Hey everyone, great to be part of this community and one of the first here :selfie:

I feel like we're all at the front of the queue for a Jonas Brothers concert. Except it's not the Jonas Brothers we are going to meet but Typeform's users. Who are much cooler and more interesting than the Jonas Brothers. No offence Jonas Brothers. Actually maybe Jonas Brothers use Typeform. If so, and if you're reading this guys please get in touch - you've gone up in my estimation and I'd love to find out how you're using TF.

Soooo cool. Hey everyone, great to be part of this community and one of the first here :selfie:

I feel like we're all at the front of the queue for a Jonas Brothers concert. Except it's not the Jonas Brothers we are going to meet but Typeform's users. Who are much cooler and more interesting than the Jonas Brothers. No offence Jonas Brothers. Actually maybe Jonas Brothers use Typeform. If so, and if you're reading this guys please get in touch - you've gone up in my estimation and I'd love to find out how you're using TF.


I never thought the Jonas Brothers would be mentioned in this community. I think I need to rethink the whole strategy 🤣

This is so exciting @gabriel! I know I’m late to the party, but this looks amazing!! And @james you’re absolutely correct, this is exactly how I felt at a Jonas Brothers concert a mere 7 years ago :joy:

Very glad to see this live!

so cool being part of this community!

Let´s have fun

Very fun to see this. Great start!

Very fun to see this. Great start!


It’s so nice to have you, @drkent ! 
