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Adding a question by Question Groups

I have a Essentials Plan, but I can not add an Question Group. I would like to do a Logic Jump. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!

@the Walk of Food - welcome back to the Community

are you using the Classic Builder or New Builder version?  can you show a screen shot of your ‘question type’ selection screen please?

(in the New Builder version, the Question Group option is the last one in the list) 



Hi! Thanks, I can’t see the attachment, but it’s attached. The last one is Website (and before that payment). 

@the Walk of Food - i am not seeing it either.. traditional copy paste doesn’t always work that well in this community platform, so you might have to save the images to disk and then add them using the image icon in the formatter menu just above.. 



Mm, I already tried it like that. Is there another way to find out if I have a Classic Builder or the New Builder version?

classic will look like this - scroll down question types to find question group at the bottom


new building will look like this.. 


Hi @the Walk of Food were you able to add a question group to your form? 
