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Display of a question conditioned by several answers

  • 15 May 2024
  • 5 replies

I am creating a 10-question form. I would like question 10 to appear only in relation to the answers to questions 2, 3 and 4. How can I do this? 

Hi @alixmllrd Thanks for stopping by the community! Do you mind explaining a bit more what you mean by relating to the previous answers? For example, if the question depends on how they answered, you could use these logic jumps to show different questions based on the previous answers. 

You could also use the recall feature to show their previous answers in the question, too. 

Hello @Liz , 


Thanks for your answer.

I’ve got a form with 7 questions. I want the last question to appear only if respondants chose answer A at question 1 and answer C at question 5 for example. 

Is it possible to create these types of logics on typeform ? 


Thank you very much 


@alixmllrd - your logic on question 6 would be this

  • if q1 = A and q5 = C then go to q7 
  • otherwise go to ending/other page. 


Hello @john.desborough

My logic is more if q1 = A and q5 = C then I want q7 to appear to respondants when they came to this question ! On the contrary, if q1 = B and q5 = D, I don’t want q7 to appear on the form 


thanks :) 

@alixmllrd so my logic is still correct … you need to add the second logic rule to q6 as well.. so the bundle would be

on q6:

  • if q1 = A and q5 = C then go to q7 
  • if q1=B and q5=D then go to xxx (wherever you want to send them) 

you put this routing logic on the question before the one you want to permit/skip… 


