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GCLID passing from landing page to full page embedded typeform

  • 5 July 2021
  • 6 replies



I’m trying to pass Google Ads gclid parameter as a hidden field from a landing page to a full page embedded typeform. Using the hack/workaround of a standard typeform with width and height set to 100% as in this video:


The video is mentioned here:


The issue is if I change the height from the default 500px to 100% height, the typeform doesn’t display.  See this short video for full explanation…


Here’s my test landing page and full page embedded typeform quiz


In case it’s relevant, I’m using the new typeform builder.  


Any help would be much appreciated as I really need to get this working urgently.  Thank you.





I’ve solved the initial issue, by setting 100% width and height to the parent class. However my issue now is the actual passing of the gclid. It’s not passing through from the test landing page to the embedded typeform.  


Please see short video below:


If anyone can help I’d be most grateful. Thanks again.



Hi again,

Just giving this a bump. 


Typeform, is there anyone in your support team who could assist with this please? 


Thank you.




@Graham Cox  - from another user

Have you raised a help ticket with Support yet?? if not use this link to do so… that may help get an answer quicker (this is the peer-support community not the ‘official support’ domain. 




Hi John, 


Thanks for your reply. I’ve contacted Typeform support for help. Many thanks.



Hi @Graham Cox Were you able to receive help from the support team with this? I took a peek at your pages, and I can see the forms when I click on the links. It looks like it’s been sorted out, but let me know if not!

Hi @Graham Cox 

Were you able to get the GCLID? I could find helpful any workaround you came up with. 

Or perhaps @Liz you have a direct solution for this?
