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Hidden fields for multiple quizzes in an online course

I have a 7 module online course, with a quiz in each module. I’d like the user name and email address for each respondent to pass through from one quiz to the next. 

They will probably be logging in and out of the course site between quizzes.

I cannot see how to enable this with hidden fields within Typeform create mode - is it possible? (or does this require additional integrations or programming expertise? 

thanks for your help! 

Use case: I start the course, provide my name and email on the first typeform, and when I get to the next lesson, the next typeform ‘recalls’ my name and email and says “Welcome back Fred” etc.


Hi @rcolwell. Happy Monday! :hugging:


You can achieve that by using Hidden Fields and the Recall information feature. Basically, you'll need to create the hidden field in your second typeform and recall information from the first one to be able to send information from one typeform to another. 


Once the respondent submits the first form, they should be redirected (with redirect on completion) to the second one. 


Here is how the second form should look like:


When setting up the redirect on completion, make sure you replace the "xxxxx" with the respondent's information. Type "@" and select the appropriate question block related to their name and email. 


Let us know how it goes and if you have any further questions. We'll be happy to help! =) 

Thanks Mariana!  

unfortunately, this will not work in this use case. 

The respondent is not doing the typeforms in sequence - there is a (variable) time lag between the two typeform activities as they read other course material, so the redirect upon completion of the first form will not be a suitable solution. 

Is there a way to do it without the redirect aspect? 



@rcolwell - from another user.. 

if you used an email reminder to start the next module, you could email them the link that had the hidden fields embedded in the link. that would pass the info into the next forms. 

you could use google sheets and document studio add-on to do that (they have the email routine.. ) and you could dump the data from the forms into tabs of the google sheet and have the link built dynamically into a field in the ‘reporting record’ that included the hidden field/data. 

or you could use something like convertkit (or another autoresponder) to set up the sequence to send the email out to the user with the hidden fields.. 

tuppence from the igloo



Hi there @Mariana  @john.desborough  

I am pushed up against a deadline, and would be very happy to have an experienced developer help me with this.  (I am not a tech person, but know the functionality we need for UX) 

Is anyone here available for a focused paid gig to get this in place? (hope this does not contravene community guidelines). 

Thank you so much! 

NOTE: I do not want them be taken to  typeform #2 upon hitting the submit button on typeform #1, but I do want the recall info to be pulled in when they get to typeform #2 at some later point in the online course (which might be within days or even weeks of starting the course)


Referring to @Mariana suggestions: “now when your respondent clicks the Submit button, they’ll be taken to the second typeform, and thanks to the magic of Hidden Fields and the URL you just constructed, the information collected from the first form will be available in the second form.”

  • Wordpress // Learndash LMS
  • Infusionsoft CRM
  • Typeform

Hi @rcolwell If you’re looking for some help building the form, I’d suggest looking at our Agency Directory for folks that are trained in typeform to build them for you. 

Similar to what @john.desborough said, if you’re not having the respondents fill out one form after another, you’d want to pass in the data using hidden fields from your CRM system, which it seems like Infusionsoft is in this case. An example of this is here using Mailchimp, but it’s essentially the same process with Infusionsoft. Would that work for you? 

Hi @Liz  thanks for the intel.  It is true that I am not having respondents fill out one form after another AND I do not want to have to email them to trigger the passing of data. 

Can we integrate user data via the learndash course settings and/or the integration with Infusionsoft? 

I am trying to find a solution where we do not have to send an email out to make it work -- is this solution dependent on us initiating an email?  “if you’re not having the respondents fill out one form after another, you’d want to pass in the data using hidden fields from your CRM system, which it seems like Infusionsoft is in this case. An example of this is here using Mailchimp, but it’s essentially the same process with Infusionsoft.” I would LOVE it if this could work, w/o the need to send an email.

I do need to hire someone, but the agency directory page is #broken. :( 

@rcolwell - quick question: is the typeform embedded in the LMS Ie is it called from the lms module as a type of evaluation test 

OR  is the entire learning module and test done within Typeform ?

if it is being driven from Learndash, check out this integration option to see if this will work (assuming that your users have information ie name and email, as part of the course registration details in learndash):

Hey @john.desborough!  happy Thursday!

The typeform is embedded in various places within a multi-module LMS. They are not necessarily unit completion exercises, some are in-line within the lesson. 

We definitely have user info, name and email for course registration. 

Do you know a developer who could implement this? My learning curve is too high to tackle this.





@rcolwell - happy thursday indeed.. i had looked for some partners earlier on to check out their capabilities when referring folks to the partner directory (before it started to yakk about) .. also checked o fiverr to see if anyone of them was listed out there as well (cross listed)

If you are ok with it, i will DM you with two of the partner firms that i have note of who might be able to do the work for you. there was a third individual in the partner directory who appeared to be a zapier specialist (which might be of a big benefit in this case) but i cannot remember their name/firm

let me know if you are ok with a DM and i will send


@john.desborough  a DM from talented folks would be wonderful, thank you!
