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Jump logic not working properly

  • 13 June 2021
  • 6 replies


The answer for Q8 - 

‘When do you want the project to be executed?’

should always jump to Q3. ‘Thanks. Now let's grab your contact details….’

Not sure why this jump logic is not working. 

Can someone help me figure this out? 


@Nandita - welcome from  another user 

unfortunately it is difficult to tell why without seeing the logic flow of the site - trying to decipher it from the quiz can be difficult to do. cold you share a screen shot of the logic tree please?

one thing to note: sending someone backwards in the logic path ie from q8 or q5 back to q3 is not recommended.. you should always keep moving forward or you will overwrite prior answers . 



Hi des, 

Thanks for your feedback. See attached the logic tree. 

Let me also try and create another typeform with the path going forward only. 


@Nandita - thanks.. you are indeed cycling your way back.. if you change the order of your questions so that what is showing as #3 (and #4) are actually q’s 9/10 ish then you should be fine.. 


Thank you sooooo much John. It worked.

good to hear @Nandita - now don’t forget to come back and share your story with others when your quiz becomes a success!



Nice one @john.desborough - the logic master :muscle_tone4:
