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logic skips

  • 16 July 2021
  • 5 replies


i have an issue with logic that it doesnt enables me to skip certain question in line, if i wish to - but only to jump from one question to another, but this feature doesn’t always serves me complitly.



Hi @sagi and welcome aboard!

I'm not sure I understood fully your question, could you please elaborate?

It appear to me that you can achieve what you want using Advanced logic].



hi, yes this is what i am doing… which doesn’t help.


i’ll explain i have a multiple choice of 3 options as my NU. one question: 1/tomato+cucambre 2/tomato only 3/cucambre only.

if you choose one then you have 4 more questions to answer (3-4-5-6), if you choose option 2 then you need to answer qusestions (5-6), but if you choose option 3/ then you will need to answer questions (3-4), but then after you will need to go through questions 5-6 which is not wishful for me.

if i could choose a path for who ever chooses option 3/ where they can skip 5-6 that would be geat. 


@sagi welcome from another user

the logic is relatively ‘simple’ but might seem cumbersome to put into the structure of typeform - it’s actually quite easy  - you have left q2 out of the info above, so i am going to ignore it in my logic and simply follow the path as you describe. if there is a q2 that everyone goes to, then shift the first instruction to start on q2 instead

  • on q1 you have the following logic rules
    • if q1 answer is 1, then jumpto q3 
    • if q1 answer is 2 then jumpt to q5 (goes directly to q5 and not to any other question in between)
    • if q1 answer is 3 then jumpto q3
  • on q3 you have the following logic rules 
    • always jumpto q4 (doesn’t matter if they came from q1 = 1 or q1=3 .. they still go to q4)
  • on q4 logic you have the following logic rules
    • if q1 = 1 then jumpto q5
    • if q1 = 3 then jumpto ending A (send them somewhere after they are finished with the question)
  • on q5 you have the following logic rules
    • if q1=1 then jumpto q6
    • if q1=2 then jumpto q6
  • on q6 you have the following logic rules
    • always jumpto ending A or B? 
      • if you have the same ending for all three paths you can send them to the same one OR you can have a different ending for each as appropriate all you have to do is use if q1=x then jumpto endng y

make sense??

Yes John, thumb-up. that kind of solved it for me. 

didn’t realise that on a certain question i can reffer to where the answer came from, but thought that i can only look forward regardless to my tail.



Yes John, thumb-up. that kind of solved it for me. 

didn’t realise that on a certain question i can reffer to where the answer came from, but thought that i can only look forward regardless to my tail.



@sagi - referring to early questions is often overlooked but it really does make it simple, once you figure it out the first time. the ‘can only look forward’ is what you want to keep in mind about looping in  your questions: you don’t want to send someone back to an earlier question unless you specifically want them to change their answers - otherwise you will wipe out their earlier choices ie what product do you want .. and then do you want another product looping back to the what product do you want.. .. 




