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Logic within logic

  • 11 June 2021
  • 7 replies

Hi! I am creating a quiz with three different logic-based jumps / branches. Is it possible to create additional logic within one question? For example, there is a question with 4 answers: if you choose answer 1 you jump to question a, answer 2 leads you to question b and so forth. However, if you choose answer 1 I want you to skip question b, but there is one answer that needs to go through all questions, so I don’t want to add a logic for question a, but rather embed a second logic within answer 1’s logic. Does this make sense? Let me know!

@charlottediamond26 welcome to the community from another user. 

the short answer is yes. 

the slightly longer answer is this: take a piece of paper and pencil or epaper and sketch it out. once you have that done, then you are 80% of the way there in terms of being able to make the questions and create the logic rules to jump around the way you want. (just don’t go backward to re-answer an earlier question as this will reset any answers you had from the previous pass through that question - unless you really mean to do that) 

if you have that drawing already or have tried to make it work in Typeform, and are running into issues, share some screenshots and we will try to help you through it. 



Hi Des! Thank you for your response and great to know this is possible! I am sharing a screenshot here of how I’d ideally like the quiz to progress. Does this make sense? As of now I can only figure out 7a → 8, 7b → 9 and so on, but not if 7a then 8 then 11. Thank you!


@charlottediamond26 - if you have the logic rule in q7 as if A then jumpto 8, then you need the following logic on q8

  • if answer to question 7 is A then jumpto q11
  • if answer to q7 id D then jumpto q9

make sure those are the logic rules on q8… 


that should work

@john.desborough ah I see! next issue, 8, 9, and 10 are actually question groups so it won’t let me add a logic to 8 since i guess it is technically a slide? would i have to remake all 8a 8b and 8c then into their own questions?

@charlottediamond26 - you don’t have to make them separate. put the logic on the last sub question in q8 (ie on 8c if that is the last one) 

@john.desborough oh amazing - i think I’m all set. thank you so much!!

@charlottediamond26  - woohoo!! 

when you have it up and running, be sure to come back and share your success ( maybe here?)


AND come back and help someone else out if you see a question you can answer

