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Multiple Groups of questions with different endings

  • 4 June 2024
  • 5 replies

I have 10 groups of questions regarding different topics (a section of questions for leadership, communication, team dynamics, time management, etc.). Each section has between 4-7 questions. Answers are scale based and scored ( strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neutral (3), Agree (4), and strongly agree (5). 

At the end of the assessment I want the participant to be directed to a specific page which indicates the area of focus they should discuss with their coach. If they score 3 or below for most of the questions in the section, they should be sent to the ending page that would suggest they focus on that topic. For example, if in the leadership and communication sections they score an average low, i would want them to be able to see a comprehensive ending page that shows they need both of those topics covered. 

I have made the variables needed to reveal which questions are connected to which groups but i am running into a couple of problems:

1- my ending pages are not showing up as an option for a logic jump (the ending pages are made they just aren’t showing up)

2- I am unable to tell the logic that after each section (leadership, communication, etc.) it needs to calculate an average score for the questions. 

Any suggestions? 

Thank you! 

Hi @cottonwood Happy Tuesday! I hope you’re having a good one so far. Do you mind sending a screenshot of how you have your form built, including the variables and any logics? 
Thanks in advance!

Here is a zoomed in screen shot of the logic. Whats not shown are the preceding sections of grouped questions but they all look similar to this, only this shot shows the multiple endings. 


This is the first group of questions about leadership. the first question you’ll see i have the logic stating that if the answer is equal to 1 (strongly disagree) then add 1 to “Leadership variable.” My thought was to only account for the scores of 1-3 because if the participant answers a 3 or below, i want those scores to be accounted for. Anything higher than a 3 would indicate they do not need a result in this section… this is, of course, only if they answer 4 or above for most of the questions i mean.


I made a variable for each group of questions.. Here I added a “average leadership score” variable because i was playing around with the idea that i may need to calculate an average? but im unsure. I also don’t know what to put in for the values so maybe im making a mistake there.
Here is how I have the questions scored.
Here i am thinking for each section I will want to calculate that if the variable is lower or equal to (21 in this case because im thinking if they answer 3 or below for all 7 questions in this section then the total score would be max 21… (is the math mathing?) then i would want them to be directed to the leadership ending page… problem also is however, if this happens in multiple sections, i would want them to see all possible outcomes like what if this happens in communication section as well as mindfulness section.. how do i get them to see all possible results?
I am sure something is going on here too with the ending pages. I am not sure which values to enter there… Please help 🥴

Hope these screenshots help- thank you!

Hi @cottonwood Thank you so much! This helps a lot. The way you have it set up now doesn’t exactly support multiple variable scoring (hopefully that makes sense). 

To edit the score ranges for the endings, you would set those like this (clicking where you see all the question marks in your form):


However, if you need to use multiple variables for the endings, then you would want to remove the outcome quiz option and score everything manually. 

@john.desborough I’m not crazy (or am I???), but you have a cheat sheet for this, right?  


Hi thank you SO MUCH for your time! It seems like you may have been only responding to one of my screen shots 🙂 I provided a few… In response to your message however, i do know how to edit the values but i’m not sure which values to enter. 

See here, i don’t have an outcome quiz actually. I did score everything manually. I shared a screen shot of how they’re scored in my previous post. This image is what i see if i try to turn it into an outcome quiz now. I get this error message because i scored things manually.. 

Feeling pretty stuck still 🥴


@cottonwood - part of the issue that you are facing is that when you send someone to an Ending in a scoring quiz is that it is looking for a range of values for the @score variable - ie your endings are if the @score variable is 1-5 go to ending 1, frmo 6-10 go to ending 2, etc.


another pat of the issue is that the logic on  q2a that you are showing sends the user to an ending - or at least intends to send it to an ending based on the variable for leadership. problem: the logic bypasses all the other questions and sends them to THAT ending only. if you want to have them see a variety of potential outcomes from each section that they score, you would need to create a Statement page for each level of outcome ie if you had one page for range of score for leadership less than 3 (and all the other categories) and then have the logic rules to ‘walk’ the user through the appropriate sequence of output pages. 

statement pages basically give information like an ending but are before the user hits submit 

for example, if i score less than 3 in leadership, finance and relationships (my categories for the moment)  i would want the user to see the three statement pages related to those scores and not the other 7)

i would typically put all this logic on a Yes/No question that comes after all the scoring questions and says “are you happy with your answers? if so, we’re going to pull back the curtain for you and show you the stuff:. “  if they answer yes then i trigger the logic and start the routing sequence. if no i send them back to the first question to review their answers. 

the logic rules on this yes/no question are like dealing with a multi-select multiple choice logic (yes @Liz i have the cheatsheet for that one lol) and it goes something like this:

  • on the yes/no question 
    • if @leadership is less than 3 go to Statement page for leadership 
    • if @variable2 is less than 3 go to Statement page for variable2
    • if @finance is less than 3 go to statement page for finance
    • if @relationship is less than 3 go to statement page for relationship
    • if @variable4 is less than 3 go to statement page for variable4
    • and so on

putting that  set on the yes/no question will cause typeform to walk down the list and go to the first condition that it meets ie let’s say leadership is less than 3 and go that first statement page in the series (the order you present is the sequence in which the statement pages needs to be created and organized)


on the statement page for leadership, the logic is reduced by one step in that list - the first one..

  • if @variable2 is less than 3 go to Statement page for variable2
  • if @finance is less than 3 go to statement page for finance
  • if @relationship is less than 3 go to statement page for relationship
  • if @variable4 is less than 3 go to statement page for variable4
  • and so on
  • otherwise/in all other cases, go to Ending/next appropriate page after the statements

we want to evaluate IF another variable meets the condition and to go to that page - if nothing else matches the condition then the ‘otherwise’ condition sends them to an ending or another page after the statements

then on the variable2 page - the next in the sequence you would drop the first line and keep the otherwise as well

  • if @finance is less than 3 go to statement page for finance
  • if @relationship is less than 3 go to statement page for relationship
  • if @variable4 is less than 3 go to statement page for variable4
  • and so on
  • otherwise/in all other cases, go to Ending/next appropriate page after the statements

again, check for the conditions and if nothing matches exit 


on the last statement page, in your case the 10th one, you would only have the go to next page/ending logic. 


if you were using the concept of say 3 pages for each cateegory to represent content for high, medium and low scores in the category, you would need to add conditions to the logic something like:

  • if @leadership is less than 3 go to leadership_low statement
  • if leadership is greater than 3 and leadership  is less than or equal to 10 go to leadership_medium statement 
  • if leadership greater than 10 go to leadership_high staement page
  • repeat for all other sets 
  • otherwise exti


more places to go, more lines of logic but each is a declining balance type question. 

hopefully that will help you figure it out.. 

