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I’ve been trying to create a survey for the last couple of days and when I go to add a second answer on a multiple choice question, the whole page freezes and won’t even let me refresh. I have to close the tab and open another. I am using Google Chrome. I have tried starting a new survey to see if the first was corrupted, but same problem.

Is anyone else having this problem? There doesn’t seem to be a way to contact Typeform to get help.

Hi @B3NG thanks for stopping by the community! Would you mind sharing a video of the form crashing? There are free services such as Loom that can help you create this video. Additionally, if you are able to disable any browser plugins, this may help solve the issue. 


I’ve been trying to create a survey for the last couple of days and when I go to add a second answer on a multiple choice question, the whole page freezes and won’t even let me refresh. I have to close the tab and open another. I am using Google Chrome. I have tried starting a new survey to see if the first was corrupted, but same problem.

Is anyone else having this problem? There doesn’t seem to be a way to contact Typeform to get help.

Hi, @B3NG! Are you trying to embed a second multiple choice question or just add a second question that's also multiple choice? 

I've done the latter without issues but have not tried the former. 

It started working again and I haven’t had the problem since. I’ll just assume it was operator error.

glad to hear it’s working, @B3NG !

I’ve been trying to create a survey for the last couple of days and when I go to add a second answer on a multiple choice question, the whole page freezes and won’t even let me refresh. I have to close the tab and open another. I am using Google Chrome. I have tried starting a new survey to see if the first was corrupted, but same problem.

Is anyone else having this problem? There doesn’t seem to be a way to contact Typeform to get help.

This happens to me nearly every time. The only way i’ve found to work around, is by creating a brand new page, and then adding another multiple choice there. And even then, if i’m unlucky, it will freeze there.


Is the support for google chrome not good? because i can’t even explain the level of frustration i’ve had by this and other pieces of the site where my google chrome goes out to lunch and asks me to exit the page or wait. if i wait it never finishes whatever it’s doing to lock up.


I’m using a macbook with the latest big sur updates. SHould I use a specific browser other than chrome? I’ve NEVER had chrome lock up on any other website that I use, and I don’t use plugins, so it’s very unlikely to be a plugin.

Hi @timothy Usually we suggest using Chrome as the preferred browser since it works the best, but if you happen to have a lengthy form or happen to be on VPN, this can cause issues with the builder loading. If you could take a video of what happens and send it here, we can take a further look into this for you!
