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*Problem* The site keeps reloading making me lose work

  • 7 July 2021
  • 6 replies

The site keeps making me reload it and making me lose the majority of work I’ve done each time which is obviously extremely frustrating. 


I keep getting this box pop up that says someone, maybe you, has updated your TypeForm and you have to reload. I have no other choice but to hit the “update” button and reload the site. It then erases pretty much everything i’ve edited in the last several minutes.


I did a search for this but couldn’t find anything. I’ve submitted feedback but haven’t had any responses from TypeForm. Is anyone else getting this, and if so is there a fix? 


Below is the pop up I’m getting


Hi @JosephSelf Thanks for stopping by the community. This message appears for a few different reasons: 

  1. If you’re sharing your password with someone else and they have this open in their browser
  2. If you happen to have the same form open in multiple browsers


Can you be sure to close any extra tabs that have the same Typeform open? Additionally, you’ll want to be sure that you’re not sharing your password with anyone other than you. 

Thanks in advance!

I’m the only person with access to this account, and I only have the form open in a single tab in a single browser. 

As a reference, I’ve completely restarted my computer, changed my password, logged out and logged in again, and the site has done it to me two more times making me lose the work each time.


I virtually can’t edit anything in the form without typing a couple of words and hitting “create” in order to refresh the page myself. 

Hi @JosephSelf Hm, do you happen to have the page open on any other devices?

To follow up on this. I don’t have the page open anywhere else. I understand that having the project open literally anywhere else will autosave there, thus overwriting my work here. I completely get that. As I stated above, I even made sure I am the only person with access to the account by changing my password, logging out of everything, restarting my computer, and any other action I can take to confirm the project is only open in one location. 


The problem is still happening. I got an email from tech saying they can’t find a bug or a problem.

Hi @JosephSelf Thanks for following up!The only other thing I can think about is size of the form. Do you happen to have a form with a lot of questions? If so, that can affect the performance of the builder. 
