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registration typeform password verification

  • 14 January 2022
  • 7 replies

Hello all I am setting up a typeform for registration purposes 

On the question what is your password followed by verify your password how can I set the error message popping up when the password is incorrect or misspelled and only when the correct password is entered twice the typeform can be submitted?

Hi @Alison L Welcome to the community! We don’t have a popup option, but you could use logic jumps to show a statement block accordingly. 

We have an example of how to set this up here

Thanks, the question was slightly different - - it doesn’t have anything to do with their access to the Typeform site.

On a Typeform I have set up, we ask recipients to create a password, and then re-type that password

I tried using logic but I must have done it wrong. Obviously I don’t know the password they are creating, so how do I get the next question of them re-typing that password to match? This is to ensure correct spelling.

Can I get the answer to question 1b to to be equal to the answer of question 1a, without specifying what the answer should be? I couldn’t figure that bit out. Thanks in advance

Hi @Alison L Ah, I see. Our forms don’t have the capability to check if an input is equal to a previous input in a short text question. Though, you could recall the variable and ask the respondent in a yes/no question if that is the password they would like. If not, then you would send them back to the original question. 

Thanks very much, that worked!

Happy to hear, @Alison L! Can you send us the link of your form once it's ready? Very curious to see how it is looking now! :wink:

Thanks, it’s not live yet so can’t share it until then.

I understand, @Alison L! And do you know when you're going to launch it? 
