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Specify the Name when sending notifications to myself

  • 5 February 2024
  • 7 replies


Right now all form results/submissions are sent to us (Follow-ups → Notify myself) with “Typeform” as the name, which is both disorrienting and messes up our systems.

Is there any way we could set the “First Name” and “Last Name” as the sender?

Thank you

Hi @Vates If you’re referencing the email from which the notifications are sent, the post below will help answer this and provide some workarounds: 


Hey @Liz , as mentioned in the OP I’m looking to set the sender’s name (not the email address). Thank you


Is there any way we could set the “First Name” and “Last Name” as the sender?

@Vates - it won’t do that.. the follow-up notification is simply that - a very simple notification. that being said you CAN update the subject line of the notification email like this: 

i made the change to have firs name and email as they are two files i collect in the form but it will not change the source of the notification in any other way 



Hi @john.desborough ,

I am sorry but this still doesn’t answer my question. Let’s make it more simple. Please check this screenshot:

I’m looking to change the name of the sender. Not the email address, not the domain name, not the subject, not the contents of the message.

Right now all emails sent by Typeform use “Typeform” as the first name and “Notifications” as the last name.

Our forms go into a CRM and all our leads have a single name: Typeform Notifications. 🤦🏻‍♂

Your competitors make it very simple to send notifications that use the name of the submitter, as it is specified by the submitter when filling the form.

Thank you

@Vates - i understand .. and i said it was an example. but typeform does NOT do what you are wanting to do with the followup notifications. 

Is there a Connection to your CRM available that would push the typeform submission directly into your CRM rather than use an email notification? this might be a work around - or using Zapier, etc

your question has been answered: no it doesn’t do what you want. you need to find a workaround at this point in time. 



when followup on submissions auto email to clients emails: can we change the ‘sender name’ form ‘typeform notifications’ to my brand name? My leads are more likely to delete the email if it says that rather than from my website name where would increase the open rate

@Markkporter - i also answered in your other post. you won’t be able to do this in the Typeform follow-ups. 

you would have to connect your typeform to your CRM/ESP to get that control over your email branding


