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Stop chat interface from truncating text?

  • 18 June 2021
  • 5 replies

Is there a way to stop the chat interface from truncating the content of a typeform? 

I am not sure when this feature was introduced, as we used to see the full content of each question or statement and lay each one out nicely. 

Now, Typeform auto-truncates, remocving spacing between new lines, which looks awkward, and potentially hiding important information from the user, who now needs to click on the ‘show more’ prompt.

Appreciate any help on this. 



Hi @DanielS_UK 

Welcome to the Typeform community 👋

I've shared this question/issue with our chat experts at Typeform. 

It would be super helpful if you could share a screenshot of the problem. I just want to make sure we are all on the same page regarding what the problem is here. 

Enjoy your weekend 👏

Thank you very much.

Here’s an example of the feature and how it impacts on the presentation of content:



Not truncated:


Hey @DanielS_UK! Thanks for bringing this up and providing the screenshots. This is very helpful. It seems this change was made sometime late last year. Looking into it with the team - will provide an update when I have one!

We got this fixed! :muscle: Thanks for letting us know @DanielS_UK!


Have a good weekend! 

Thanks for coming back to share the news @Jackie :muscle_tone3:
