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Batch Tagging?

  • 24 May 2024
  • 6 replies

Is there a way or method to update tags on multiple conversations in VideoAsk? Our use case is that we survey our client companies and get responses from multiple people per company.

We’d like to tag all conversations from a single company with their company name (a hidden field).
When we’ve gotten all responses from a company, we’d like to tag those conversations as “Complete”.

Ideally, a multiple select option and then set a tag would work.

@Grace might have some insight on this!

Hey @Greg Bishop welcome to the community! 

Tagging in VideoAsk doesn’t currently work with hidden fields, so I think you may need to continue manually tagging contacts. Unless setting up auto-tagging in your videoask would work - here’s a Help Center article that walks through how to use advanced logic to create auto-tags depending on the answers people give to certain questions.

You can add multiple tags to a conversation so if you need to tag them as complete at the finish that’s possible, you could filter for that company and then add a complete tag. 

Hope that helps, I’ll add tagging based on hidden fields to our feature request board too 😊

Thanks for the response. Looks like manually tagging the conversations one by one as they come in is the only option which isn’t very automated or efficient.

Is there a way to tag conversations based on hidden fields through an API or automation software like or Zapier?

Thanks in advance.

I’m not sure if that’s possible @Greg Bishop - tagging @picsoung to see if they know a way around this?

Hi @Greg Bishop 
It’s been a while since I played with the VideoAsk API, but I think you can use the Add tag to contact endpoint to achieve your goal.

You can find the documentation here

While it might not be supported by the existing Zapier or Make modules by default, you can always the call the API using an HTTP module.

Hope it helps

Thanks we’ll play with the API and see if it works. We are hoping to tag conversations not contacts which doesn’t seem to be straightforward or available in the API so this may not be a scalable solution.
