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Hi! Is there any way we can upload a custom thumbnail/share image? It looks weird that the thumbnail is a close-up shot of my face when I share links via social media/messages.

I tried adding an image at the start of the video using Capcut and uploaded that video to Videoask, but thumbnails are randomly chosen and unfortunately, the image at the start of the video isn’t one of the options.

Hey @Hazel Mendenilla thanks for stopping by 😊

At the moment it’s not possible to upload a custom thumbnail, you can only choose from the ones that VideoAsk picks out for you. It is something that’s on the feature request board so I will add a +1 to it and share your feedback. 

I wonder if you can change the meta image on socials at least and choose your own image to use with the link? 

Not sure where I can change meta image on socials. I usually set it up natively on other apps I use.

It’s been a while since I did it, but when you share a link on a Facebook post you used to be able to delete the meta image and add a different image. 

Passing on your feedback to the product team, so I will keep you posted if it gets picked up for the road map 🙏
