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Exit intent pop up embed opening twice

I’ve set up an exit intent survey to fire as a popup on select pages, which all works fine, except the popup opens twice (one over the other). When i close or submit one, the other one becomes visible. 

I have another feedback side button survey targeting the same pages, and when i disable that the popup appearing twice issue goes away. 

Is there a way to have both appear on the site without causing this issue?

Hi @dtangen happy Friday! 😊

Would you mind sharing the url to your site, or some screenshots of the setup? Also, what website builder are you using? 


Hi @dtangen I hope you’re doing well! Were you able to solve the issue? Let us know if you still need help!

Hi @Liz & @Grace 


We are having this same issue on our website:


When you hit the close button, you will see there is another form behind the first one and you need to close that too. It only happens on the first visit to your page and not the next ones, so you can replicate the issue on incognito mode in your browser. We have built this page (not the whole website) with the

@mathio might have some insight on this for you!

Hello. It looks like you have 2 sidetab forms embedded in your website and they both open on exit intent:

I’d suggest to look into your code or website builder and try to identify why is the form embedded twice.


On a related note: If you intentionally embed multiple typeforms in one page, each with a custom launch option (such as exit intent), you can use respectOpenModals option to prevent opening subsequent modals when one is already open.
