I am trying to implement Google Ads Enhanced Conversion on Typeform. It required an email address(form data) as User-provided data through dataLayer in Tag Manager. Is there any way to get an email address(form data) on Typeform submission or any alternative way to implement Google Ads Enhanced Conversion on Typeform?
Sorry forgot to add the input type for this step, revised for the email variable step:
Step 1: Create New Variable for ‘Email’
- Variable Type: DOM Element
- Selection Method: CSS Selection
- inputntype=email]
- Attribute Name: value
- I named it Email1
Thanks again, now I’m trying to pass the same user data to the “Thank you page”
Let us know how it goes with their solution,
Ok, I’m in conversations with a google technical advisor and I let you know the final solution to this.
Ok, I’m in conversations with a google technical advisor and I let you know the final solution to this.
hi all - the way I implemented this was by passing along the form data via the Settings of the Typeform Endings Redirect to URL option. You can specify your conversion page URL and then use the plus icon to add URL parameters pulling fields from the form.
On our site, I added a javascript snippet to pick up the URL params and set the value of hidden input fields on the conversion page. For the Enhanced Conversions config in GTM, I am using the Automatic Collection option. I confirmed through devtools that the data is being picked up and sent along via the “em” param of the tracking request payload.
Create the ‘user-provided-data’ variable, in my case only the manual was working so select your variable based on the url output from typeform.
Under ‘advanced options’ in GTM, you could select only firing on ‘page’ to prevent double firing. In my case, using the url variable already prevents any double firing of the landing page.
Ok, I’m in conversations with a google technical advisor and I let you know the final solution to this.
I’ve been worked on this without the typeform analytics or GTM integration.
The problem is that even though I create the events manually I have not been able to pass the user information from the typeform iframe to the parent which is what I would need.
The @raymandro and
I’m also trying to hash this fields but I didn’t find the way.
@raymandro and @trackingarchitects do you pass email directly by url??
Thanks for sharing!
I agree with all the opinions that this is a must-have feature and is essential in paid campaigns. I will try to implement the
We need to implement this with different clients
The solution bt
Hi My situation is the same as you. The cool solution from propfunnel won’t work because of the iframe integration and consent not being passed.
Is Anyone from Typeform Product team working on a solution ??? Competitors like Jotforms have integrated this since a long time now…
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