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Hi! I created a lead gen landing page for our client and currently running a Google Ads campaign with this.

I would like to track typeform submissions for conversion on Google Ads.

Can you please provide a step-by-step tutorial/instruction on how to achieve this and how to make sure it works correctly?

Can you please confirm If this is doable on a free version as well?

Thank you!

Hi @AD INFINITY Thanks for stopping by the community! Since we don’t integrate directly with Google Ads, you would most likely need to use our Google Tag Manager or Google Analytics integration to track this. 

Our post here can help you get started tracking that information in Google Ads: 


Hi @Liz ,
I’ve been redirected here by someone from typeform sales team.
Before I suscribe to Typeform, I need to know if typeform can solve my need. Nowadays my Lead Acquisition Funnel works like this:
Google or Meta Ads → Website → Whatsapp → (Once the user confirm the booking) Customer Form to open his file
For now, we’re using google forms, and even if we integrate the form in our website, we’re not able to capture the “Form Submitted” event.
I have read here that Typeform can be connected to Google Forms but I’m not sure if it applies to my case. Most of cases I have read are google ads campaigns that send directly to a typeform landing page and then the integration allows to see users interaction with the form. My need is a bit different as I need to track this “form submission” event as a part of my entire acquisition funnel and then be able to see from which campaigns come the “form submission” conversions.

Is it something that other companies are already doing with typeform?

Hi @charlyem ,
I would suggest that you look into the Typeform Embed SDK.
To be more specific the onSubmit callback would be most apt to allow to track the "form submission".

Hi @Liz , where can I find the info you’re suggesting?
