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HubSpot Landing Page Hidden Fields into Typeform

  • 4 June 2024
  • 3 replies

We’ve just added a “quiz” step to our demo booking process. This is the flow:

  • Page 1: HubSpot landing page with a HubSpot form that captures their basic info (name, email etc.)
  • Page 2: HubSpot page with a Typeform embedded with a few qualification questions.
  • Page 3: If qualified, they are redirected to book their demo.

I capture name & email on page 1. I want to transfer this data into my Typeform on page 2 as a hidden field. I can’t figure out how to achieve this. Does anyone have any advice?



Hi @Form Typer Thanks for stopping by the community! Are your respondents going from Step one to Step two automatically? Or how are they directed to the page with the Typeform? 

Hey @Liz thanks for the speedy reply! They are transferred from Page 1 to Page 2 automatically upon submitting the form.

Ok, got it, @Form Typer ! Are they redirected from the Hubspot form? I’m afraid I’m not terribly familiar with Hubspot forms and their redirects, but I do know that you would need to pass the personalized information from the Hubspot form and then use this setup to ensure the hidden fields are passed into your Typeform embed. 

For the Hubspot portion, I did find this post on their community, which might help!
