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Logic rules and tie-breaker scenarios for a 6 category scoring quiz

  • 13 February 2024
  • 5 replies
Logic rules and tie-breaker scenarios for a 6 category scoring quiz

I have created this scenario for all those who are trying to figure out how many ‘tie-breaker’ questions they would have to create - and how to set up the logic rules to direct the user to the correct tie-breaker - IF they are working with 6 categories. 


Below is the list of the combinations that could arrive in your quiz if you are looking to resolve the ties that might occur in your scoring. 


You would need to create all the tie-breaker question pages and put them somewhere in the quiz. I have found it easiest to use question groups to put ‘like’ questions inside. For example, all the tie-breakers related to two subtotals tied, another for three subtotals tied, etc. 


Figuring out where to build these logic rules, so that you have the ability to add or move questions around and not stress over impacts to your logic, can be a challenge. I usually suggest adding a Yes/No question like “Are you happy with your answers? Yes to continue. No to check again” and putting all your logic routing on this question. If they choose no, they go back and potentially change the scoring for the subtotals. If yes, then all the calculations are ready to send the user to the next appropriate page. 


The scenario: 6 categories and associated tie-breaker routings. 


And the logic rules would be created to do the following: 


Unique endings:

-          If A gt B and A gt C and A gt D and A gt E and A gt F the go to ending A

-          If B gt A and B gt C and B gt D and B gt E and B gt F then go to ending B

-          If C gt A and C gt B and C gt D and C gt E and C gt F then go to ending C

-          If D gt A and D gt B and D gt C and D gt E and D gt F then go to ending D

-          If E gt A and E gt B and E gt C and E gt D and E gt F then go to ending E

-          If F gt A and F gt B and F gt C and F gt D and F gt E then go to ending F


All tied:

-          If A = B = C = D = E= F go to simple tiebreaker ie pick one


Two tied:

-          If A=B and A gt C and A gt D and A gt E and A gt F go to AB tiebreaker

-          If A=C and A gt B and A gt D and A gt E and A gt F go to AC tiebreaker

-          If A=D and A gt B and A gt C and A gt E and A gt F go to AD tiebreaker

-          If A=E and A gt B and A gt C and A gt D and A gt F go to AE tiebreaker

-          If A=F and A gt B and A gt C and A gt D and A gt E go to AF tiebreaker

-          If B=C and B gt A and B gt D and B gt E and B gt F go to BC tiebreaker

-          If B=D and B gt A and B gt C and B gt E and B gt F go to BC tiebreaker

-          If B=E and B gt A and B gt C and B gt D and B gt F go to BE tiebreaker

-          If B=F and B gt A and B gt C and B gt D and B gt E go to BF tiebreaker

-          If C=D and C gt A and C gt B and C gt E and C gt F go to CD tiebreaker

-          If C=E and C gt A and C gt B and C gt D and C gt F go to CE tiebreaker

-          If C=F and C gt A and C gt B and C gt D and C gt E go to CF tiebreaker

-          If D=E and D gt A and D Gt B and D gt C and D gt F go to DE tiebreaker

-          If D=F and D gt A and D gt  B and D gt C and D gt E go to DF tiebreaker

-          If E=F and E gt A and E gt B and E gt C and E gt D go to EF tiebreaker


Three tied:

-          If A =B=C and A gt D and A gt E and A gt F go to ABC tiebreaker

-          If A=B=D and A gt C and A gt E and A gt F go to ABD tiebreaker

-          If A=B=E and A gt C and A gt D and A gt F go to ABE tiebreaker

-          If A=B=F and A gt C and A gt D and A gt E go to ABF tiebreaker

-          If A=C=D and A gt B and A gt E and A gt F go to ACD tiebreaker

-          If A=C=E and A gt B and A gt D and A gt F go to ACE tiebreaker

-          If A=C=F and A gt B and A gt D and A gt E go to ACF tie breaker

-          If A=D=E and A gt B and A gt C and A gt F go to ADE tiebreaker

-          If A=D=F and A gt B and A gt C and A gt E go to ADF tiebreaker

-          If A=E=F and A gt B and A gt C and A gt D go to AEF tiebreaker

-          If B=C=D and B gt A and B gt E and B gt F go to BCD tiebreaker

-          IF B=C=E and B gt A and B gt D and B gt F go to BCE tiebreaker

-          IF B=C=F and B gt A and B gt D and B gt E go to BCF tiebreaker

-          IF B=D=E and B gt A and B gt C and B gt F go to BDE tiebreaker

-          IF B=D=F and B gt A and B gt C and B gt C go to BDF tiebreaker

-          IF B=E=F and B gt A and B gt C and B gt D go to BEF tiebreaker

-          IF C=D=E and C gt A and C gt B and C gt F go to CDE tiebreaker

-          IF C=D=F and C gt A and C gt B and C gt E go to CDF tiebreaker

-          IF C=E=F and C gt A and C gt B and C gt D go to CEF tiebreaker

-          IF D=E=F and D gt A and D gt B and D gt C go to DEF tiebreaker


Four tied:

-          IF A=B=C=D and A gt E and A gt F go to ABCD tiebreaker

-          IF A=B=C=E and A gt D and A gt F go to ABCE tiebreaker

-          IF A=B=C=F and A gt D and A gt E go to ABCF tiebreaker

-          IF A=B=D=E and A gt C and A gt F go to ABDE tiebreaker

-          IF A=B=D=F and A gt C and A gt E go to ABDF tiebreaker

-          IF A=B=E=F and A gt C and A gt D go to ABEF tiebreaker

-          IF A=C=D=E and A gt B and A gt F go to ACDE tiebreaker

-          IF A=C=D=F and A gt B and A gt E go to ACDF tiebreaker

-          IF A=C=E=F and A gt B and A gt D go to ACEF tiebreaker

-          IF A=D=E=F and A gt B and A gt C go to ADEF tiebreaker

-          IF B=C=D=E and B gt A and B gt F go to BCDE tiebreaker

-          IF B=C=D=F and B gt A and B gt E go to BCDF tiebreaker

-          IF B=C=E=F and B gt A and B gt D go to BCEF tiebreaker

-          IF B=D=E=F and B gt A and B gt C go to BDEF tiebreaker

-          IF C=D=E=F and C gt A and C gt B go to CDEF tiebreaker


Five tied:

-          A=B=C=D=E AND A GT F go to ABCDE tiebreaker

-          A=B=C=D=F AND A GT E go to ABCDF tiebreaker

-          A=C=D=E=F AND A GT B go to ACDEF tiebreaker

-          B=C=D=E=F AND B GT A  go to BCDEF tiebreaker


If you build all of those pages and put in place the logic rules you’ll have have a nice smooth quiz that deals with the evaluation of 6 categories and the tie-breakers. 


Turn your engines on and get crackin’… It took me about 6 hours to create this as a reusable template. 😅







5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5



Thank you so much for sharing this!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

and in case anyone doesn’t under stand “gt” .. it means greater than… 

just sayin’



Userlevel 7
Badge +5

and in case anyone doesn’t under stand “gt” .. it means greater than… 

just sayin’



In case anyone (cough cough, Grace) doesn’t understand… 🤣

Thanks @john.desborough another great nugget! 

Userlevel 2



Thank you thank you thank you! You saved me at least 20 hours of brooding and meddling! 



Userlevel 7
Badge +6



Thank you thank you thank you! You saved me at least 20 hours of brooding and meddling! 



@Bernia - if that’s the case, pay it forward and pay for the coffee of first responder, nurse or teacher at your local coffee shop.. lol


