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Hey there, dear community members!

I'm Valerie, a user researcher at Typeform. We're embarking on an exciting journey to improve the template gallery experience on our website, and we're eager to hear your insights 🚀


Got a sec? We have a couple of questions for you:

  1. What type of content/information would you or first-time visitors find most valuable on the templates page?

    a. Step-by-step instructions on how templates work
    b. Tips and best practices for creating and using templates
    c. Video tutorials
    d. Information on integrations and available features
    e. Inspiring customer stories showcasing template success
    f. Other
  2. How frequently do you visit the template gallery to seek inspiration?



Your thoughts mean the world to us and will help us make Typeform even better. Thanks a bunch for being part of our crew!



Hola Kiara



Hi I'm Richard and I'm  not too tech savvy but I'm interested in posting some current news about my life and possibly getting in touch with some community members to share their insights and recommendations for a more productive future
