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Google Tag Manager

Looking to set up GTM to pass through when a form is submitted. Unfortunately It's not working out. I presume that there might be the issue with whole Typeform creation method probably because, I even checked data layer it wasn't sending an enough data.
I tried every possible method which google tag manager has like event firing, trigger firing, DOM setup, Custom event, Custom script, form submission, Button click but All went in a vain.

Firstly the main issue with data layer which isn't sending the proper info

Secondly when the form submitted not even a single tag is firing which is quite strange

22 replies

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Hi @emilyg Would you mind sending the URL of your form so we can test to see if GTM is working properly? 

Userlevel 1

Hi @Liz, I’ve dm’d you. Thank you!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @emilyg 🙂

You’ll want to create a Trigger in Google Tag Manager. The Trigger Type should be Custom Event, and the Event Name will be TypeformSubmit. 

Once you set up that Trigger, you can link it to a Tag. The Tag will then execute whatever conversion event (e.g. Google Ads Conversion Tracking) or custom code (e.g. Custom HTML) you wish to use.

Hi @andrew_videoask 

What if the Typeform is embeded as a pop up on my website ?

I tried on GTM on debug mode but the event never shows up.


Userlevel 7
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@Ovadia Even if the form is embedded as a popup, it should still send the events to GTM. Do you mind sending us the URL where you have the form located? We can test to see what’s happening. 


@Liz @Ovadia @andrew_videoask @emilyg is it working? For me its also not working :( Also no proper info how to instal. Thanks a lot for you help :) 

Userlevel 7
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@TimoMedia Could you send the URL of your form? I can then take a look to see if the integration is working on the form for you. 😁 You can reference this article here on how to integrate GTM with your form. 

Userlevel 1

@TimoMedia It is working,  yes. Though it took a lot more to set up than expected. 

Userlevel 7
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Glad to hear it’s working, @emilyg !

@TimoMedia It is working,  yes. Though it took a lot more to set up than expected. 

@emilyg May I ask what the fix was? I’m running into the exact same problem with GTM, having tried almost everything.

When debugging the direct form URL in GTM all looks fine, but when embedded in a webpage (popup) there seems to be nothing happening at all. No events, no clicks, no submissions get tracked, nothing. Also not in Analytics realtime view.

Thanks in advance!

Hi guys, 


I’m having trouble with my Typeform and GTM, I’m unsure if its firing correctly and have followed all of the advice above!

The URL is


Any advice would be massively appreciated

Userlevel 7
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I'm tagging here @mathio and @picsoung that might be able to help you, @MARCA! 😊


I need help with this too. GTM is integrated. here is my typeform URL but the events are not firing.

I am checking in preview mode. I do see in the page source a GTM script. However, that script isnt working. If it does, I should be able to see page loads and other events in GTM preview. Events should at least appear in Datalayer which also shows nothing. Click events aren’t registering as well. Thank you for your help.


Userlevel 1

@Liz Our ads manager says that we don’t get accurate form submission data. 

Specifically, our issue is with the source classification not with the goal completion. Analytics is tracking
completions, but not attributing completions to the correct source. 

Any ideas? He is wondering if there is no solution because of how an iframe works….

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@mathio do you know if the above is something we support? Or something that needs to be addressed with Google? 

Userlevel 7
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I think this should be achievable via Share Google Analytics Instance feature.

I’m having the same issue as above for my form. Tag assistant doesn’t connect to the form.


Userlevel 7
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What is your issue specifically? Did any of the solutions provided above work?

I’m also having major issues with this. This is a fundamental part of generating leads, and I’ve followed a bunch of tutorials with no luck. 

My website with embeded form

I’m sure there’s a custom listener that can be used to track this, but nothing seems to work. 

Has anyone figured this out?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @shanem I took a look at the form on your website, and I can see that the data is being sent to Google. Is any data appearing for you at all? 

Hello. I have this Typeform embedded in the following landing page:

I have followed these steps:

  1. Connect my Google Tag Manager in the form's settings with the container ID.
  2. I created the TypeformSubmit trigger and added it to the tags where I need it.
  3. I have published the configurations in both Typeform and Google Tag Manager.

Attached is an image.

When I enter debug mode, the tags do not activate upon submitting the Typeform. Even after waiting for 10 minutes, they do not activate; Typeform does not send the event.

Am I missing a step?



Userlevel 7
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Hi @simpliroute Happy Friday! Do you mind sharing how you’ve embedded the typeform onto your website? 
