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Multiple Stripe accounts

I am managing registration for several events but each event has its own stripe account.  How can I use different stripe accounts for multiple typeforms?  Unfortunately, it is only allowing me to use one for all of my forms.

16 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @coop3254. Happy Monday :hugging:


Only one Stripe account can be connected to your Typeform account at a time, but I can see how it'd be useful to have the option to have more! I'll make sure to pass this feedback on to the relevant team. 


Let us know if you have any further questions and we'll be happy to help! =)

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @coop3254. Happy Monday :hugging:


Only one Stripe account can be connected to your Typeform account at a time, but I can see how it'd be useful to have the option to have more! I'll make sure to pass this feedback on to the relevant team. 


Let us know if you have any further questions and we'll be happy to help! =)

this would be really handy in terms of managing not only events as was mentioned above but also if you are ‘hosting’ a typeform solution for a client or two or three.. 

just sayin’ lol.. 

thanks @Mariana 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Yes, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for adding that @john.desborough. It seems this is a regular request so hopefully this will be an option in the future. :pray_tone1:

Userlevel 2
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Any update on this @Mariana?  I have a lot of clients I am managing registration from and we are getting a lot people registering without paying because I am have to use a redirect to different Stripe payment links.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@coop3254 - this might defeat the purpose of having all the forms under one account BUT you could create a new Typeform account for each event and have a unique Stripe account for each event/account combination. 

Yes there would be additional cost in having these other Typeform accounts BUT you should be able to rationalize the costs against the revenue from the events and make the business case for doing so. 

If you need to copy forms between accounts, ie use your main account to create the forms for the event but copy them to the ‘event account’, you can always submit a help ticket to have the form copied from one account to the other (Typeform support is very good at this) 

just thinking outside the box here. 



This would be very very very useful !!!!!

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

We also faced same problem, we wanted to connect separate stripe account for separate forms which are under one Typeform account, but it turns out only one Stripe account can be connected to one typeform account, even though you can create unlimited number of forms for different purposes, so this is a bit inconvenient, as in order to have different stripe payments, now you need to consider some workarounds, implementing separate payment pages etc...definitely a flaw in Typeform system , which should be considered to be improved :) 

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the feedback, @ValdemarQ ! We’ll let you know if the product team plans to make any changes to the integration. 😀


I am seeing many people having the same problem as we have, meaning that we have different legal entities that need to receive the registration fees in a different Stripe accounts, but currently it is impossible so our accountants need to do many steps to justify this just because of this missing feature…

I know that Stripe developers are super friendly and opened to that, so if Typeform developers could implement this it would be wonderful and save a lot of time and efforts to our team! Especially with the explosion of demands for online events and registrations, I think this would be a great feature to get even more happy customers :)

Thanks for your help and keep up the good work!


Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the feedback, @Alexis72 . We’ll be sure to pass it along!

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Yeah, should not be complex, simply making every form to select its unique stripe account. As no selecting stripe account for your form, changes it for all forms, which is not the right UX as you expect it to be for that specific form.



Any progress on this? It would be very important to have this done ASAP. When its planned for?

Userlevel 5
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I did not see any progress from Typeform here 8 months past, nothing planned, so we have developed our own solution for that, you have to think about workaround, unfortunately :)

You can create redirect to your different stripe checkouts based on conditions, although typeform and stripe checktout will  be saparate, so you will get the forms submitted and will have to check manually for payments which happened. Theoretically there are endless options how it can be made, but practically this will cost resources to develop something like this, not sure, maybe someone else has more solutions? @typeform , that is important feature and doesnt seem complex to implement :)   

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @apme_ro We don’t have this in the current roadmap, but as always, we’ll post any updates on that here. 

Hi team, we would love to see this feature as well. Having the same issue as the users above. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Adam H Thanks for stopping by! I added your vote to our feature request list. 😊
