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Custom Report for end users!

  • 17 February 2021
  • 7 replies

Hello, I have a couple of questions about the result page. Can I create a custom report( can be PDF downloadable and email) based on end users answer through Typeform? If yes, can I customize the report design?

I am planning to create quizzes that has multiple sections. In the report, I would like to show what exact needs/improvements of each section.


Hello, @Mert ! While we don’t currently have an option to create a custom report per respondent, @john.desborough has used Document Studio to produce custom emails/reports that might help your use case. Would the below setup work for you? :grinning: 




@Liz Can I also include product URLs to recommend for each report through Document Studio? 

@Mert @Liz 

you can include URLs in the reports through Document Studio - i use this approach in two fashions: 1) to do a look up for the correct ‘level’ image in a maturity matrix, based on the assessment score, put the url into a specific field in the Google Sheet and insert the image into the google doc template for the dynamically created report; and b) i do a look up for a couple of other paragraphs to include into the document that contain urls to other typeforms/web pages. 



@des - thank you so much for the walkthroughs of your google sheet/ document studio/typeform solution. :)

@Liz is this functionality available yet? i’d really like to work with the least amount of integrations to other softwares.

Hi @anjalee I’m afraid we don’t have this feature available, but I definitely recommend Des’s workaround above. 

Thanks @Liz !
