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How to see how many people hit endings?

Is there a way in the Insights or Summary section to view how many people finished at a certain ending?

I thought it would make sense to be at the bottom of Summary considering it shows breakdowns of all the user’s selections, but I’m not seeing it there.

Like I know I can figure it out if I go responses and user filter logic, but I’m hoping for a more convenient process.

I'm not sure, but I think you can just see it on "insights"

let me know if you tryed it.

I think what you’re talking about is ‘submissions’ which would be the total # of people who have finished the form.

I’m looking for the # of people who have reached different endings in the form.

For example if Submission is 10 and I have 2 endings (A & 😎, then lets say 7 hit A, and 3 hit B, where could I find the # of people that hit A or B endings?

Hi @Derek If you have an outcome quiz, you can see what ending the respondent received in your Results panel, shown below: 

If you would then like to know how many people received a particular ending, you could export the data into a spreadsheet and filter by ending in the spreadsheet. 

@Derek - if you are using a scoring type quiz, suggest that you create an ‘ending variable’ that you can populate on your last question in the form before you send them to the ending.. ie if you know they are going to ending A then use something like this in the logic rules: 

  • if score is greater than 7 replace v_ending with “A”
  • if score is less than or = 7 replace v_ending with “B”


the v_ending would be a text variable that you create 

this would be available in your results



Thanks for the response @Liz that’s exactly what I’m looking for but my results don’t have an ‘Endings’ column like in yours, it just looks like this


And my table settings aren’t hiding any columns


Any idea whats going on here?

Hi @Derek If you aren’t using an outcome quiz, you’ll want to use the suggestion @john.desborough made above, as the ending won’t appear unless you’ve built an outcome quiz. 


I was looking for this and just found a workaround so would love to share to help others if they were looking for this as I did was I was creating a branch logic survey.

Typeform currently can’t show you how many people landed on each ending. So you would need to lable each result for each ending.

Step 1 - Create the new variable: go to your survey > create tab on tab > on the right go to Logic > personalize with data > variables > custom variables > name your variable (e.g: @persona_type) > select Text format.


Step 2 - Lable those responses ended on which ending: still on create > go to your logic map or your could also do it from Branching and Calculations on the Logic tab on the right (it’s easier for me to use the map) > before each ending, click on the arrows to view which input leads to that ending > hit edit > scroll all the way down and add rule: If @score - is equal to/etc - othe value that leads to that ending] - THEN - replace - @persona_type = marketer.


Step 3 - Repeat for all endings > test it out yourself > go to results > responses > scroll all the way to the right and you should see that variable now lables your endings. If you still can’t see this collumn, go to the setting icon in the same page, scroll all the way down and make sure that variable is toggled on.


Works like a charm for me.

This is handy, @Rooster Punk , thanks for sending this! Out of curiosity, what kind of form do you have (or what are you using Typeform for)? 

@Liz These types of forms are used for leading people to correct products when they select certain features which is basically any product more complex than a toothbrush.  Only branching logic type forms work well enough to handle these types as people have very specific selections and choices that open up different options down the road.

Why can’t endings just be added as a column for all forms?  Its not like people can hit multiple endings anyways.

Plus endings need the ability to process logic.  If you’re going to try to offer a next step service like automatic email sends, then additional logic/content needs to be processed as result of form choices as the emails are unable to handle complex logic that may result in different types of generated content.  I’m having to work through Zapier to add the extra logic that your system already has present in everything but the endings.


I strongly agree with Derek and think this is a feature you should add.

 Guys, when I export the responses, for some reason the endings don't appear. What am I doing wrong?

Hi @tyemi.souto Thanks for stopping by! How are you exporting? Are you doing so directly from the Results panel? Or do you have the form integrated with Google Sheets?
