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Results not showing

  • 22 May 2024
  • 7 replies

All of a sudden today, 5/22/24, the results from my typeform and not loading to view or download.  Anyone know if that is a me problem or a typeform problem?  I will need to download all of my responses with the timestamp tomorrow.  Thanks for the help!

I have the same problem… I hope this is fixed quickly 

Me it a glich with the system ?

Same here… It’s really frustrating, need to download summaries...

Same issue here. Anyone has info about this problem? We need it fixed today for our customers..!!

It sounds like it is a Typeform-wide issue, we have also been experiencing the same since yesterday!

I’ve just chatted with support and it looks like an easy fix for now is to clear cache and cookies! It worked for me 🙂 They said the devs are looking into the issue though

Thanks so much that worked 👍
