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Hi everybody, 


I don’t know if this is possible in Typeform, but I will try to explain my issue… 

I will illustrate with an example to make it clear. 

Let’s imagine that I would like to offer a gift to my clients. One gift is a jacket, while the other one is a bag. I create a form where clients can click on one of the 2 options. 

When setting it up, I am asked where I would like to send the answers. What I would like to do is:

If a person selects a Jacket, it should go to Google Sheet A

If they select the bag it should go to Google Sheet B. 


Is this possible? If yes, how can I do it? 


Thanks for your extremely precious help!


@Nathan - from a user here.. 

what about the possibility of having it all go to the one Google sheet, then setting up two additional tabs in the sheet, one for jacket and one for bag, where you use if() statements, arrayformula and vloopups on the additional tabs to grab the records that pertain to them? that way you would have a single google sheet environment to work with? 

(i have set this up for an assessment that is currently working on a different platform, that i am re-launching in typeform on Monday - separating the responses by logic along the lines of this: if the email field is blank, then the record should live on tab called no email, else it should live on tab called followup possible)


Hi @Nathan

I agree with @john.desborough that it would be easier to have all responses go to one Google sheet then you can move to a separate Tab if/when needed.

What’s the reason for wanting the responses to go to two separate Google Sheets? Just curious...

Thanks to both of you! I understand that this is possible as John explained, but I wanted to know whether it can be done directly in Typeform. 


To go back to my example. We have different ways to register for the jacket and the bag. We have people asking it on the phone to our Sales people, we might run another campaign (under a different name) in the future, we had some in the past, we might have direct mails going to our Customer Service. For this reason, we have 2 Sheets (one for the bag and one for the jacket) with different tabs for every campaign. This is why it would be ideal to have it sent to the already existing Sheet, without having to create a workaround, as described by John. 

@john.desborough and @vickioneill , do you think it would be possible or is the only way to do it, the way John explained?



@Nathan - I understand your question and that would really require an answer from someone in the Typeform organization to provide definitive answer, but i have two thoughts on potential ways to do this:

  • first is a variation on the theme above: instead of putting the results onto two different tabs on the same google sheet, create the two separate google sheets for bag and jacket and have them do the lookups onto the ‘main’ integration sheet for the entire response population (has the added benefit of being able to crosscheck that total responses are being properly managed by your back end)
  • second, based on my assumption that you CANNOT point from same form to two sheets, unless you use the API and programming) is to establish a typeform ‘daisy chain’ approach where you create the main selection type form and then use the approach of passing hidden fields and logic jumps/branching to go from the main selector form to a ‘thank you and submit form’ for jackets and another for bags - each would push into their own google sheet. it could be as simple as a ‘second typeform’ that took the details, asked the user to confirm and then wrote to the google sheet.. 

it would appear to the user that they are still within the same form, but you are using the two different ‘tail-end’ forms to write to different sheets. 


just my Sunday morning thoughts on this ..



Well, @john.desborough , if these are your Sunday thoughts, then Maybe I should wait for the Tuesday or Wednesday thoughts, they might be even better! 

I will try the second option. 


Thanks a lot!!!

@Nathan :rofl::joy::rofl::joy: I wish my everyday thoughts were like this ha!
