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Can you remove the 'required' * from a question (while it is still 'required')

When developing a survey its cool to see which questions are marked as ‘required’ through the use of *. But when the survey goes live people are asking me ‘why is there an asterisk on this question?’. Is it possible to hide the asterisk for a survey when it goes live?

11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @RogerX Welcome to the community! I hope you’re having a good week so far. 

If the question is marked as required, it isn’t possible to remove the *. You could add a note at the beginning of the form which states that any question marked with the * is required. :grinning:

Userlevel 2

Thanks Liz, I have used the note as suggested.

However this isn't the first time I have had this question. I wonder if in the future there could be an option to ‘suppress’ the *, in published typeforms… as removing it would not have huge significance to users as they do not know its purpose….

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @RogerX This isn’t something on the roadmap, but if that changes, I’ll post so here. :grinning:

Sorry guys but this is super frustrating. What if every question is mandatory, everything shows an asterisk? The fact that this isn’t configurable makes zero sense.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @shmval Thanks for popping by and sharing your feedback - I’ll pass this along to the product team. 

also voting here to be able to remove the * for required questions - thanks !

I think it’s crazy that you can;t choose to remove the asterix (*) for required fields. Why is this not on your roadmap?

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @JamesJHHill Our developers are working on other features with higher requests, but keep an eye out on the community in case this feature gets built!

This def needs to be an option. Make it happen Liz! :D

@Liz Is this list of more requested features publicly available?

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

@Albin I’m trying, trust me! In fact, here’s an image of me shouting during our product feedback meetings: 


@JamesJHHill We don’t have a public list at the moment, but if that changes, you’ll definitely hear about it here first. 😀
