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How do you install a captcha on your form? Or stop your form from being hit by spambots?

  • 22 April 2021
  • 89 replies

Hi there,


I am looking to integrate Typeform into my website, however I need to ensure it is protected from spambots, as I recently in a nightmare situation on one of my Pardot forms.

I Googled and found this (below), but I can’t for the life of my figure out how to implement it into my form? 


Any ideas?




89 replies

@thesbro - good to know .. and since I don’t work for Typeform, maybe you spoke to the Typeform team.. 

If Typeform doesn’t function in your application ecosystem, then I guess you need to find a tool that does work for you. When you do locate one that meets your requirements for the captcha, please share those details so the rest of us can look at the solution you did find.. 

that would be appreciated. 



And just as a reminder - not only did they have nothing to add to solve this problem beyond linking me back here, they refused to refund the money they stole from me. 

Hi @thesbro, I think my team and I found the solution.

To block SPAM, you need to create two forms.

The first form should request basic information such as name, last name, phone number, and email. The second form is the Typeform with the necessary information. (We did it for a business account registration.)

These two Typeforms should be linked through hidden fields. Once you set up your hidden fields (name and email), you can continue.

Here's the key: In the first form, you're going to trigger the action of sending an email every time someone finishes that form.

In the email, you'll configure the text with HTML and include a button linking to the other form with the hidden fields.

When the user receives this email and clicks the verification button, they'll be directed to the second form. So at that moment you will know that they're a real person, and you will confirm that the information is real.

I hope I explained it well. It worked for us.

Hi @thesbro, I think my team and I found the solution.

To block SPAM, you need to create two forms.

The first form should request basic information such as name, last name, phone number, and email. The second form is the Typeform with the necessary information. (We did it for a business account registration.)

These two Typeforms should be linked through hidden fields. Once you set up your hidden fields (name and email), you can continue.

Here's the key: In the first form, you're going to trigger the action of sending an email every time someone finishes that form.

In the email, you'll configure the text with HTML and include a button linking to the other form with the hidden fields.

When the user receives this email and clicks the verification button, they'll be directed to the second form. So at that moment you will know that they're a real person, and you will confirm that the information is real.

I hope I explained it well. It worked for us.


Thanks for sharing, I appreciate your attempt to improve this answer for others. However I’m long past trying to make this system do a thing it has no capability to do. Your workaround falls also into the “insane solution” vs….just having a captcha? Like EVERY OTHER FORM COMPANY does?? Like should be a default and I am still so fricken confused how anyone is using this system publicly. I do understand you are sharing for others though, best of luck working with Typeform.

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Thanks for sharing, @mariapaz.diaz !

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Hi all! Just wanted to let you know that this is something our product team is looking into. I don’t have any specifics or timeframes, but if I do, I’ll post them here!


Years after this forum was opened I come back and read everything. “We’re working on it”, “We’re working on it”, “We’re working on it”, and 2 years later… Nothing… This is like form 101 guys. Bot protection… Really bad look. I will not be recommending typeform to anyone I know in digital marketing after this experience. That and geolocation data not available, not being able to hide address information on the address slide… The list goes on. This is the world’s best, worst form maker ever.

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Hi @AlexG I can confirm that our product team is indeed looking into this, but it’s not as fast as just adding a captcha to the form, as it involves finding a solution that enables the forms to load as fast as they do now and be sure that the solution is engineered well. 

Hi there,


I am looking to integrate Typeform into my website, however I need to ensure it is protected from spambots, as I recently in a nightmare situation on one of my Pardot forms.

I Googled and found this (below), but I can’t for the life of my figure out how to implement it into my form? 


Any ideas?




I'm sorry but isn't this way too old fashion and a straight up clunky solution? Why doesn't typeform use recaptcha? I don't want to bother my visitors with extra questions if not needed because it is killing for conversion rates. We just started with typeform and are currently receiving spam form-submits. I shouldn’t have assumed that Typeform would have a great solution against spam. I mean forms is your core business right?

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Hi @FG01 Thanks for stopping by and sharing that feedback! I agree that it’s not the best solution, but definitely a workaround for the time being since we don’t have the captcha feature. 

Question to Liz: you stated before:

  • “Hi all! Just wanted to let you know that this is something our product team is looking into. I don’t have any specifics or timeframes, but if I do, I’ll post them here!”.”

Since the timeframe is over 2 years, I have one very simple question to you (as all of us have).

Does the Typeform company have Captcha embedded at the end of december 2023? So there are three possible answers to this question:
- a) yes
- b) no
- c) or your answer till now: ”I don’t know, I can’t give a timeframe”.

If your answer is a) and you are truthworthy, you wouldn’t mind leaving the company at the end of 2023, would you, if this turns out not to be truth?
If the answer is b) or c), thanks for Typeform’s gracious forms for the last several years, but with pain in our hearts we will part ways, since your team has no idea (or worse doesn’t care) what it does to us clients by not resolving this essential problem of spam. And please, don’t give us this happy, team is hard working, promising, timeframing illusion. Just a simple a), b) or c) is sufficient, so we can go our own way if neccesary.

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HI @AngeloSpiler First, apologies this took me a bit of time to respond. I had to ask the corresponding team who worked on this project before what the status was. 

All that said, the jury is out as to whether or not I’ll have a job in December! 😂

I know you’d like to have specifics on dates and whether or not we will have this feature, and while I still can’t provide a date, I can share that the product teams are in the process of prototyping solutions and trying to identify one that keeps the cost of bot prevention for our users down whilst also maintaining as friction-free an experience for the actual humans that answer our forms.

First figuring out the prototype of this is important before they can clarify how long something like that will take to build. 

Not a blunt answer, but hopefully gives some insights and provides you some direction in which way you’d like to go with a form builder. 

Hi Liz, thanks for answering. Reading it, every one’s conclusion can be that your answer is c) and that you are holding on to the happy, team is hard working attitude, aren’t you? Our ways will part then...Typeform’s team postponing in an endless timeframe and being relieved about your longer stay in the company, my team finding another form builder in one week that shows professionalism, more vigor and decisiveness. Bye bye and thanks for the good times in the past!

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HI @AngeloSpiler Totally understand having to find another platform that can meet the feature you’re looking for right now. 

If you do find your way back to Typeform and have any questions, you know where to find us! 😀

@AlexGand others. For every frustrated Typeform User rightfully complaining about the endless postponing of Captcha integration in Typeform: There’s a great alternative with Captcha integration! Definitely check out “Fillout”. Other benefits as well, to mentionare: complete Airtable or Google Sheets integration, so now you can prefill your forms with data from those or other databases.

Userlevel 1

I wanted to bring to your attention a matter of great concern regarding the usage of Typeform, specifically related to its lack of anti-spam measures. The question in question was posted on April 21, 2021, nearly two years ago.

After carefully reviewing the entire conversation, I must express my disappointment at the apparent lack of responsiveness from Typeform concerning this crucial feature. In a world where spam has become ubiquitous, it is disheartening to witness the absence of effective measures to combat it.

One of the primary reasons I opted for Typeform was its user-friendly interface and distinct design compared to other platforms. However, the absence of critical and urgent features is a significant drawback.

As someone who manages multiple businesses, some of which involve developers working with SAAS tools, I am perplexed by the fact that over the span of two years, a post with more than 8000 views and 64 responses has not yielded a solution for paying customers like myself.

I can't help but wonder if the concern over each form submission deducting 1 credit from clients is hindering progress, as it might impact revenue significantly. While I cannot confirm this as the reason, it is a valid consideration.

I have been following this post in hopes of any updates, even though my optimism has waned due to the elapsed two-year period. Should a viable solution not emerge and I emphasize a genuine solution, not merely adding an image captcha from Google Images that bots and spammers can easily bypassI will be compelled to explore alternative platforms.

It is worth noting that my Typeform is integrated with a CRM system, and the time wasted on sifting through spam could be better spent if a robust protection mechanism were in place. Such solutions have been available for years, and their absence is becoming increasingly challenging to overlook.

Thank you for your attention. I sincerely hope that Typeform will address this issue to retain customers who value its unique offerings.

Best regards, Jordan

Userlevel 1

Hi, any news on this topic?


I wanted to bring to your attention a matter of great concern regarding the usage of Typeform, specifically related to its lack of anti-spam measures. The question in question was posted on April 21, 2021, nearly two years ago.

After carefully reviewing the entire conversation, I must express my disappointment at the apparent lack of responsiveness from Typeform concerning this crucial feature. In a world where spam has become ubiquitous, it is disheartening to witness the absence of effective measures to combat it.

One of the primary reasons I opted for Typeform was its user-friendly interface and distinct design compared to other platforms. However, the absence of critical and urgent features is a significant drawback.

As someone who manages multiple businesses, some of which involve developers working with SAAS tools, I am perplexed by the fact that over the span of two years, a post with more than 8000 views and 64 responses has not yielded a solution for paying customers like myself.

I can't help but wonder if the concern over each form submission deducting 1 credit from clients is hindering progress, as it might impact revenue significantly. While I cannot confirm this as the reason, it is a valid consideration.

I have been following this post in hopes of any updates, even though my optimism has waned due to the elapsed two-year period. Should a viable solution not emerge and I emphasize a genuine solution, not merely adding an image captcha from Google Images that bots and spammers can easily bypassI will be compelled to explore alternative platforms.

It is worth noting that my Typeform is integrated with a CRM system, and the time wasted on sifting through spam could be better spent if a robust protection mechanism were in place. Such solutions have been available for years, and their absence is becoming increasingly challenging to overlook.

Thank you for your attention. I sincerely hope that Typeform will address this issue to retain customers who value its unique offerings.

Best regards, Jordan

Beautifully said.

@Liz can you give any update on the topic in this forum?? 

Dear Typeform support, have you integrated captcha/recaptcha already?

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@epix_sofia We’re working on it! Stay tuned!

Hi @Liz , 

I want to share with you that I was googling the question “HOW TO embed Captcha on my Typeform”, not “DOES Typeform HAVE Captcha?”. To my surprise, I came across this topic on your community forum.

I was flabbergasted that this post is now 2 years old, and it’s quite disappointing not to have a Captcha as an option in 2024 AND to have your business model based on submitted answers. I certainly wouldn’t recommend you as a provider now.

Thank you for your understanding. Stay tuned! 

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Hi @DeyaniraB Thanks for stopping by the community. Some good news - we are working on adding this to the forms! Stay tuned for updates. 😀


I did create one that uses random values, but I still can’t get it to work without the browser caching the completed values in local storage. 

If you pass the spam check you go to the next question, if not it starts you again.

Hello @Jvermillion how did you create this type of form - I was able to do Picture selection and randomize but how did you match the answers in Logic if the pictures are changing the position?


Hi @DeyaniraB Thanks for stopping by the community. Some good news - we are working on adding this to the forms! Stay tuned for updates. 😀

Hello @Liz do you have approximate timeframe please that would be very helpful.

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Hi @john_doe Let me check with the product team and get back to you! 
