
How do you install a captcha on your form? Or stop your form from being hit by spambots?

  • 22 April 2021
  • 85 replies

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85 replies


Hi @john_doe Let me check with the product team and get back to you! 

Hello Liz any update on this?

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Hi @john_doe Yes, apologies! I just got a more concrete answer at the end of last week. The product team is currently testing a version of captcha which should be completed by the end of quarter one. Granted, that could change in case they run into an issue with the build, but be on the lookout for updates here!


Hi @john_doe Yes, apologies! I just got a more concrete answer at the end of last week. The product team is currently testing a version of captcha which should be completed by the end of quarter one. Granted, that could change in case they run into an issue with the build, but be on the lookout for updates here!

Hello Liz, so by the end of March 31st 2024?

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Hi @john_doe They’re aiming for that timeframe, but this date could change if any tests fail or other pieces of the product take priority due for various reasons. Again, keep an eye on the community for more info on this feature!

Hi Liz any update on this?  Do you think it will be released in the next few days?

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Hi @sas I’m afraid I don’t have the particular timeframe for its release, but as always, we’ll post when it’s launched here!

Userlevel 1

@Liz Any update on the Captcha feature? We are about to release an advertising campaign experiment and we will have to use FB’s internal form if Typeform hasn’t solved the spam issue with captcha.

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Hi @csladden Thanks for circling back! Our developers are currently testing a version and hope to have it released by summer. 😀



Hi @csladden Thanks for circling back! Our developers are currently testing a version and hope to have it released by summer. 😀

Hello Liz,

Initially it was by the end of March 31st - if you saying summer - why more 3-4 months that’s a big postpone? It has been already 3 Years (22 April 2021) - it keeps postponing.

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Hi @john_doe It’s possible that the development time took longer than expected and/or they need more time to test. These dates can change at any moment, so always be sure to keep an eye out on the community for updates on these features. 
