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Typeform with recurring payments

Hi! Does anyone know if it is possible to have a way in typeform to take recurring subscription payments after the suscriptor fills in the Typeform for the first time?

Our ngo would use this feature to activate regular donors.

Thank you!



19 replies

Userlevel 7
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@Paloma from Madrid - welcome to the community from a user!


i believe this is possible through the Stripe integration: Typeform does NOT take the subscription payments BUT the payment processor Stripe allows for this transaction type to set up. It takes some time to set up the configuration in Stripe but that is just the process and the steps required in Stripe. 

The integration between Typeform and Stripe is very simple to set up and enable - i use it to sell t-shirts that i custom print. 


HI, John, thanks for your answer.

I am already using Stripe-Typeform integration since a longer time, but always for a one payment transaction. What I need to know is how to config the Typeform so that Stripe understands that it has to charge monthly the same amount to the same credit card.


Userlevel 7
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@Paloma from Madrid - my understanding from the conversation i had with the Stripe support team is that the subscription set up is on the Stripe side - they suggested that i set up two payment streams: one for a one time payment approach using the ‘standard typeform-stripe’ integration and the second would be a redirect to a new typeform for the subscription payment form - since you can only have one payment form in each typeform. You would need to then set up the Stripe side of the subscription payment processes based on what is in this document from Stripe ( and deal with having the recurring payments set up using the processes described from within Stripe. 

the alternative method is to create your initial order entry process and have the user select one time payment or subscription in Typeform AND manage your subscribers by sending them an email on or near the recurring payment date (ie an invoice) and a link for them to go to the Typeform to make the payment. You could use the integration with  your CRM solution or you could use Google Sheets and an add-in like Document Studio to generate the invoice payments and emails directing them to your payment form. 

all depends on how you want to managed the details.. 


It would be great if Typeform could integrate with Stripe Subscriptions the way that Jotform does. Customers can complete a form, select a plan, submit preauthorized payment info, and be enrolled in a recurring subscription plan on Stripe automatically!

Userlevel 7
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Thanks, @nexly ! We’ll share the feedback with product. :grinning:

Hey! Just wondering if there has been any updates on Typeform integrating recurring payments automatically.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @raajc We don’t have any updates on this but as always, we will post here if we do. 😀

Hi @Liz 

any update on this?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Demir No updates at this time, but as always, we’ll post them here if we do. 😀

Hi @Liz , checking again to see if there’s an update on this. The ability to take subscriptions would be great :)

Userlevel 7
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Hi @emmasg178 We don’t have this on the roadmap, but if that changes, you’ll find an update here. 😀

Thanks, @Liz 


What can we do to get it on the roadmap? I would much rather stick with typeform than move to jotform for this function.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @emmasg178  Totally understand not wanting to move platforms. Our roadmap is created based on current workload and other requested features, so if this does get added, we will share that information in the community here. 

Userlevel 1

Also interested right here for adding Typeform subscription option - will be usefull 1000% for a lot of typeform client’s 

yes please!


+1 for this functionality. The community has been asking for this for over 2 years so please push this up the product priority list. 


It’s a must for any SaaS business.

2 years and nothing done yet? Please get this feature done.

i’m waiting for this feature too. get it done team ! we believe in you ;) 

Userlevel 7
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Don’t worry, @webvo , we’re hoping for it, too!

