
Typeform is not available in Canva?

  • 15 December 2023
  • 11 replies

Hi, I signed up for typeform and created a small form. I want to embed it in a Canva website design, but when clicking the connect option in Typeform I am redirected to the app store in Canva instead of the typeform app. When searching on Typeform in the Canva app store, there is a message ‘This app requires an update and is currently not available’.

Can this issue be account related or is there an update coming?

Thanks, Ronald


Best answer by Liz 20 December 2023, 16:43

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11 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Ronald Elfferich Let me check with the support team on this. Hang tight!



Noob here. Created a form and trying to add it to Canva site. When i click on the Typeform app Canva tells me it needs updating and is unavailable.


Now stuck… please help!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Jwedge I’ve moved your post here so you can stay updated on this. 😀 Our developers are working on updating this app. Once I have a more specific timeline, I’ll post about it here. 

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Hi @Ronald Elfferich and @Jwedge I’ve heard back from our product team, and they let me know they will be sunsetting the integration with Canva. 😪

As a workaround, I believe Canva does have an embed option, and you should be able to use our embed code on those websites still. 

Hi @Liz ,


Thanks for getting back on this question. I know you are not Canva support, however as far as I am aware Canva deos not support embedding HTML code into the websites. Therefore I cannot see how to include typeform on canva designs next to linking to a seperate page. Would be great if this could be fixed!


@Ronald Elfferich & @Jwedge , did you manage to get a fix for this?


Nope. The form had to work and look good so I had to swap designs from canva and did it in Wix. Annoying such a simple problem...

Userlevel 7
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Ah shoot, I thought you could embed code on a Canva website, but I read their help center incorrectly. I’ll share this feedback with the product team, @Jwedge and @Houns . I think this is helpful for them to know that folks like you would like to embed the forms on a Canva site!

Thanks Liz! I was also expecting Canva to support HTML code embedding. It is possible now to add a link to TypeForm, and that way you can add an extra plane of Typeform. However, any fancy integration, think of pop-ups, is not possible due to this method as far as I am aware. 

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That’s good to know, @Houns . Thanks for sharing!


Hi @Ronald Elfferich and @Jwedge I’ve heard back from our product team, and they let me know they will be sunsetting the integration with Canva. 😪

As a workaround, I believe Canva does have an embed option, and you should be able to use our embed code on those websites still. 


Hi Liz,

Thank you so much for looking into this for us; i was also on the same boat trying to figure out the ‘Typeform Update’ on Canva. 

Is there a reason why you guys will no longer work with Canva? It was the only app on the site that i saw could do what Typeform does. 😭 



Userlevel 7
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Hi @gxbriella That’s a great question. We are removing the integration because of architectural changes on Canva’s side, which then requires our developers to rebuild the integration from scratch. 😥 We’ve also noticed that there is a low usage rate in the app as well. 
