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How do I update the Social media links behind the icons on the closing screens.  I can’t find any means of changing the links (in other words, my Facbook page has changed and I need the Facebook icon on Typeform to go to the new URL).


Hi @ELDSheltowee Thanks for stopping by the community! Our social share options allows the respondent to share the form on their Facebook page. 

If you’d like to connect your Facebook page, you could hyperlink the URL in text on the ending screen. 

All the forum posts seem to follow this same logic.  I am asking a different question.  There are social icons on the endings (Social Share Icons).  Those icons link back to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages for my company / brand,  I set them up originally many years ago before the changes to the Typeform design interface.  Where do I go now to set the FB, LI, and X URL’s for those icons?



Hi @ELDSheltowee I’m afraid we don’t have an option to edit these. These buttons will encourage the respondents to share your form onto their social accounts. 
