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Rewatch our live workshop: Discover how to tune up your typeform🪛

Rewatch our live workshop: Discover how to tune up your typeform🪛

Hey all,


Yesterday we ran our first ever live typeform tuning session. Our panel of form masters got together to revamp some of the typeforms you, the community, submitted to us for review. The idea was to provide education and inspiration to help you all build better. more successful forms.

If you missed the session, or if you'd like to watch it again you can do so in the video below. You can grab a copy of the slide deck here.



What did we cover?


Our expert panel consisted of Typeform stalwarts @picsoung,@Liz and@suzieq, plus guest appearances from Partner and Community champion @john.desborough, and @Baptiste Jacquemet, Co-Founder of Agent Studio.

The panelists shared their secrets of form-building success as they went to work on four different forms – showing you how you can get the most of Typeform's features, and highlighting some important best practices. Here's a breakdown of what got tuned, complete with before and after shots:

1.The Dram Team


Use case: Product rating form to capture ratings of whiskey samples for a whiskey subscription service

Desired outcome: "High ease of use for responders and for us, in analysing responses. I would also like it to be a fun experience for the customer." – Chris Borrow, Founder & Managing Director


The Dram Team’s form before the changes


Des and Baptiste’s solution: 

  • Improve flow, taking advantage of Logic
  • Tweak the presentation of the answer options
  • Airtable integration to make it easier to view and analyse responses 

Their tuned form


The Dram Team’s form after the changes

2. Rapt Visuals


Use case: Contact form to capture potential leads for this video production studio

Desired outcome: "I'd love to tune up the look/feel/aesthetic of our form to match our website"– Austin DeWees, Founder


Rapt’s embedded form before the changes

Suzie and Liz’s solution: 

  • Improve the design, including video content
  • Tweak the form structure to collect more lead information
  • Apply lead scoring to determine people who are a good fit
  • Multiple follow-ups based on responses

Their tuned form


Rapt’s form after the changes

3. Chafford Hundred Dental Care


Use case: Questionnaire to capture leads for Invisalign patients

Desired outcome: "More patients who want to enlighten their lives by improving their self confidence via their smiles" – Dr Jagmail Basrai, CEO


Chafford One Hundred’s typeform before the changes


Des and Suzie’s solution: 

Their tuned form

Chafford Hundred Dental’s form after the changes

4. Michael Flaugh Landscape Architect


Use case: Lead capture form for potential clients' design project

Desired outcome: "We want to gather all of this information but it seems like a long form for a potential client.  I've been thinking of breaking it up into two forms." – Michelle Harwood, Office Manager


Michael Flaugh’s form before the changes

Liz and Baptiste’s solution: 

  • Split the form into two parts
  • Trimmed the number of questions
  • Redesigned the form with Brand Kit
  • Routed lead data to via Make (though you could use the native integration for Typeform)

Their tuned form (part one): 



Thanks to everyone who came on the day, and of course a huge thumbs up to all of our panelists for taking the time to share their Typeform expertise and craft these wonderful new forms 😍


If you have any feedback or suggestions for future workshops or webinar topics, feel free to let us know by filling out our post-webinar survey 


We'll keep you posted on new events – hopefully you'll get an opportunity to submit your form for review in another tune-up workshop soon. In the meantime if you have any questions or want advice on form building, feel free to ask here in the Typeform Community!

Note: This post was originally published as a preview before the workshop took place and was updated on May 1st 2024 to include the recording and all the info you see above.

@James and the rest of the team - happy to be part of this!

it’s gonna be fun…



We’re honoured to have you @john.desborough . I’m personally looking forward to seeing what coffee-themed tee shirt you’re going to wear ☕️

@picsoung ‘s photo hahahahah! I love it. 😂

I’m really looking forward to this workshop!

@Flip It should be a fun one!

Only a week to go till kick off, can’t wait for this will have my 🍿 at the ready!

Eat some for me, @Grace ! I can’t eat popcorn on camera - it’s not cute. 😂


Ok @Liz 🤣

Super job on the tuning @john.desborough @Baptiste Jacquemet @Liz @suzieq – I was blown away by what you all did with these forms 😵

Thanks for hosting this @picsoung and most importantly for the amazing AI-generated theme tune to the workshop, which eagle-eared (is that a thing?) viewers will hear if they make it to the end of the recording which I’ve just uploaded. 

Hope to get together again soon for another of these!

@James @suzieq @Liz @picsoung  @Baptiste Jacquemet - it was a lot of fun.. hopefully folks can leverage some of the neat things that were done.. i know i got a few tidbits to work on.. 




@john.desborough I hope so too!

Really enjoyed this session, great ideas from @Liz @Baptiste Jacquemet @john.desborough @suzieq and thanks to @James for being the behind the scenes puppet master and @picsoung for presenting - plus the surprise theme song which I will be playing on repeat! 🔊

I had so much fun, thank you all for joining!😃

Kudos to our experts @Liz @Baptiste Jacquemet @john.desborough and @suzieq 

Stay tuned for #2 😉

I had a great time tuning up these forms and am super proud of all the work this team put into them 💪🏻

Can’t wait to get my hands on some new forms!
