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Hey Typeform Community!

We hope you're doing well and that you had a chance to join us for our webinar on navigating a cookieless future. It was an insightful session filled with valuable discussions and practical strategies. Thanks so much to our wonderful hosts @nina.kamaruddin and Kevin Branscum for putting it together and presenting everything so clearly 😀

For those who missed the live webinar or want to revisit the content, you can download the slide deck here and watch the recording of the full session below. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and dive into the world of cookieless marketing:


What did we learn?

Whether you're a marketer, business owner, or simply curious about the future of data collection, the webinar was full of insights and best practices to help you thrive in a cookieless landscape. Nina and Kevin talked about:

  • Introduction to the cookieless future and the notion of the "privacy-personalization paradox"
  • What is zero-party data and why you should care
  • How to leverage zero-party data in your marketing efforts
  • How Typeform can help collect this data
  • Best practices for collecting zero-party data effectively


Stay tuned for more exciting events coming your way! You can check out all our previous webinars and workshops here




P.S. If you have any feedback or suggestions for future webinar topics, feel free to let us know by filling out our post-webinar survey – this zero-party data will help us make these sessions even more helpful!

P.P.S Apologies to anyone who might have missed the webinar due to the calendar invite in Zoom being an hour ahead. This was my bad – when setting up the webinar I initially didn't account for the change to daylight savings in the U.S so some European registrants may have experienced issues joining 🙈

Note: This post was originally published as a preview before the webinar took place and was updated on March 20th 2024 to include the recording and all the info you see above.


Really looking forward to this one! 👏

I’m very easily influenced though so will probably need a box of cookies on hand during this session 🍪

Starting in 10 minutes folks! Come join us if you can! 🍿

missed the live version but watched the replay. … very good session 

one thing that zero-party data gives you is ‘your own asset’ - the data. If you collect and own the data you can make use of it. it’s your asset - collect, grow and leverage it for fun and profit. 


