🗞️ June Community Roundup ☀️

  • 6 July 2023
  • 1 reply
🗞️ June Community Roundup ☀️
Userlevel 7
Badge +5
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 13708 replies

Typeformers, how are we already in July?! I’m not ready to be a third of the way through summer. Time has been flying thanks to our product team dropping features like it’s hot. 

Hopefully you’re all taking some time off this summer to enjoy the weather, but if you’re not, read on for what’s been happening at Typeform in the last month! Let’s dive right in to the numbers. 

📈 Since June, we’ve had 761 new members join, bringing us to a total of 25,467 users. 106 of you were VideoAsk users - yay!


🗣️   192 conversations were started, handing out 676 likes along with it. 


👀   90,038 visitors stopped by the community and 41,657 of those were unique views. 


✅  74.52% of questions were answered - yay for answers!


 Here are some of the highlights from last month: 


@Grace  kicked things off and shared a lovely example of how you can use VideoAsk for event planning. If you’re planning any sort of event (and really, any!), take a peek at her guide here


We’re officially over the 25,000 member mark! Wahoo! Thank you all for being part of the journey. Read our top 25 Typeforms here and watch the award ceremony here. Not only did we give out awards for items such as most popular conversation, but we also gave awards for most creative username. View the whole list in the post!


Our marketing team ( @chriscooning ) put together a fabulous webinar with Hubspot on The Future of AI Marketing. If you missed it, you can watch the replay here


@Grace  and @James  shared our VideoAsk and Typeforms of the month. Take a peek into ActiveYouth’s CO2 calculator here and Clara Office Management’s nifty VideoAsk that shows off what their product can do.  


Our lovely Typeform product team updated a bunch of your favorite integrations, such as Slack and Google Drive. We also introduced a new integration, Eureka Surveys


Many of you also dropped some very helpful knowledge to others this past month. Special shoutout to @Harsh  @john.desborough  and @jeremielp  for helping so many of our community members!

Thanks again, everyone, for a great month and see you all in the next one!


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

It really is wild that we’re in July already! Thanks for another awesome rundown @Liz 😁
